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Effective April 01, 2023  


ANNUAL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMITS, Fixed, Mobile, and Independent Catering  
Risk Level 1 $285.00
Risk Level 2 $400.00
Risk Level 3 $480.00
Surcharge for High Volume (>75 seats or drive-up window), Catering, or Additional Area (Each) $135.00
Commissary kitchen $100.00
Pro-rated permit fees for managers adding new licenses are calculated by multiplying the fee to be added by the quarters of the year remaining until expiration of the initial permit Prorated fee
Exempt from permit – application review $35.00
Temporary Food Establishment, Single Event, Low-risk Menu $70.00
Temporary Food Establishment, Single Event, Standard Menu $155.00
Temporary Food Establishment, Seasonal Event at Single Location, Low-risk Menu $175.00
Temporary Food Establishment, Seasonal Event at Single Location, Standard Menu $255.00
Food Sampler/Demonstrator – Low-risk Menu $60.00
Temporary Food Establishment, Seasonal Multi-Event/Multi-location, Low-risk Menu (up to a maximum of 10 Events) $235.00
Temporary Food Establishment, Seasonal Multi-Event/Multi-location, Standard Menu (up to a maximum of 10 Events) $375.00
Umbrella Permit for Temporary Food Event, maximum 10 participants (first 3 hours) $300.00
Additional hours after initial three hours Hourly rate
Late Fee – application submitted 10 to 6 business days before event $50.00
Late Fee – application submitted ≤ 5 business days before event $100.00
Temporary food vendor operating without permit

Double Permit Fee

Food & beverage workers permit $10.00
Food & beverage workers permit (Reprint of active card) $5.00
Reinspection to assure correction of violations – any category $250.00
Suspension of permit (includes office conference, plan of correction and reinspection following reopening) $700.00
Risk Level 1 -- Seasonal (6 or fewer consecutive months) single pool/spa/spray park $315.00
Risk Level 2 – open entire year General or Limited Purpose pool or spa $400.00
Additional water feature – seasonal (6 or fewer consecutive months) $110.00
Additional water feature – open entire year $170.00
Pre-opening inspection of new swimming pool construction $350.00
Pool or spa reinspection (after a closure for major violation) $250.00
Pool or spa permit suspension (after closure for ongoing major violations) $500.00
Additional fee for a Food Establishment, Campground, Mobile Home Park, or Water Recreation Facility with on-site sewage system (5 or less OSS) $100.00
Additional fee for a Food Establishment, Campground, Mobile Home Park, or Water Recreation Facility with on-site sewage system (5-25 OSS) $180.00
Additional fee for a Food Establishment, Campground, Mobile Home Park, or Water Recreation Facility with on-site sewage system (> 25 OSS) $225.00
On-site sewage system Installer certification $225.00
Liquid Waste Pumpers’ Certification $225.00
Operations & Maintenance Specialist Certification $225.00
Late renewal of Certification (30 days past-due) $225.00
The following fees are collected through PDS at permit application intake  
Permit design review – New System $550.00
Permit design review – Repair $375.00
Permit design review - Redesign $375.00
Permit design review – Renewal $225.00
Site Evaluation $300.00
Multiple Evaluations at Same Site (charged per site after first 2) $110.00
New Tank Permit $250.00
Fee to Process Waiver from 246-272A WAC $400.00
Product development permit (PDP) - initial application $500.00
Product Development – annual operating permit for PDP $500.00
Day or youth camp permit $270.00
Reinspection fee $250.00
Suspension of Permit $700.00
Fee on municipal solid waste collected in Skagit County & disposed at a public or private solid waste disposal facility or intermodal site.
Phased fee structure Starting 06/2022   Starting 06/2023
per ton $2.00
per ton
Inert Landfill annual permit $3,000.00
Limited Purpose Landfill annual permit  
Category 1 – waste only generated on site and from single source, less than 1,000 tons annually. Active or going through closure activities. $2,000.00
Category 2 – waste from off site and/or greater than 1,000 tons annually $5,000.00
Municipal Waste Landfill annual permit $6,000.00
Energy Recovery or Incinerator annual permit $5,000.00
Post closure municipal solid waste landfill annual permit (per WAC 173-304) $1,000.00
Active methane gas extraction system permit $1,000.00
Moderate risk waste fixed facility annual permit $800.00
Compaction or drop box site annual permit $400.00
Transfer station annual permit $2,000.00
Composting site annual permit  
Category 1 -- small volume operation -- up to 5,000 cubic yards of compost processed and/or removed from site per year $300.00
Category 2 – medium volume operation -- between 5,000 and 25,000 cubic yards of compost processed and/or removed from site per year $650.00
Category 3 – large volume operation -- between 25,000 and 70,000 cubic yards of compost processed and/or removed from site per year $850.00
Category 4 - Complex Composting site– complex feedstocks and/or greater than 70,000 cubic yards of
materials processed or removed from site per year
Land Application Site Annual Permit  
Category 1 - Land application - less than 5,000 cubic yards of materials, restricted to yard debris, animal manures, and vegetative wastes feedstocks $300.00
Category 2 -- Land application between 5,000 cubic yards and 15,000 cubic yards, restricted to yard debris, animal manures and vegetative waste feedstocks $700.00
Category 3 - Land application – greater than 15,000 cubic yards and/or including complex feedstocks annual permit $2,000.00
Contaminated soils, vactor waste decant, street sweepings and dredge material handling site annual permit $700.00
Solid waste piles storage or treatment (putrescible, mixed materials, and municipal solid wastes) annual permit OR greater than 10,000 cubic yards annual permit $2,000.00
Solid waste piles storage or treatment (less than 10,000 cubic yards) annual permit $800.00
Recycling and material recovery facility (less than 10,000 cubic yards processed) $600.00
Recycling and material recovery facility (more than 10,000 cubic yards processed) $1,000.00
Waste tire storage annual permit $900.00
Septage handling and treatment site annual permit $1,000.00
Conditional solid waste permit per Chapter173-350 WAC and/or SCC 12.16 $750.00
Other solid waste annual permit not covered above $700.00
Solid waste facility reinspection fee $250.00
Junk Vehicle affidavit (Each) $50.00
DRINKING WATER- QUALITY & QUANTITY All water program fees subject to additional hourly charges  
Group A Water Systems  
Well site inspection (Group A public system) $500.00
Group A water system - sanitary survey $800.00
Group A water system evaluation (water file review) $200.00
Group A water system evaluation (land division or land use project) $450.00
Group B Water Systems - Quality & Quantity  
Residential two-connection (first 4 hours) $425.00
Group B water system evaluation (water file review) $450.00
Group B water system - Land division (first 6 hours) $625.00
Well site inspection (Group B public system) $500.00
Group B water system - sanitary survey $800.00
Group B annual operating permit $100.00
Individual Drinking Water Well - Quality & Quantity  
Individual well - Review with field visit and/or water quality treatment $300.00
Water supply review for land division or land use project with 1 site visit (first 5 hours) $550.00
Additional staff hours after initial 5 hours Hourly rate
Other Drinking Water Fees  
Individual water supply evaluation (alternative system), (first 5 hours) $550.00
Additional fee for licensee with a Group B on-site water supply $100.00
Remodel or Menu Change $375.00
Change in Permit Holder or Operator $250.00
New Construction $600.00
GENERAL – ALL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS – billed at hourly rate unless otherwise specified.  
Environmental Health Division Hourly Charge $95.00
per hour
Environmental Health review of Architectural/engineering (camp, school, recreational water, drinking water supply, or service requested by an owner/operator or mandated by law) First 3 hours $300.00
Additional hours after initial 3 hours Hourly Rate
Pre-application fee for solid waste handling facilities such as transfer station, compost, land application, and contaminated soils treatment - up to 20 hours $1,750.00
Additional hours after initial 20 hours Hourly Rate
Additional inspections or review required for approval of permit, compliance with regulations, or other meeting by special request. Hourly Rate
Drug-contaminated property clean-up plan review (does not include recording fees and/or sample analysis costs) Hourly Rate
Solid waste handling and disposal sites and septage handling and treatment sites including review of reports, applications, and engineering drawings Hourly Rate
Inspections and report review of conditionally exempt solid waste sites Hourly Rate
Waste designation review and determination – first hour; additional hours at hourly rate Hourly Rate
Technical Assistance, file review Hourly Rate
Review of public or Individual water system information, or site inspection, not covered by other charges Hourly Rate
Delinquent permit renewal 30 days overdue (monthly charge) $50.00
Delinquent fine or other fee 30 days overdue (monthly charge) $50.00
NSF check charge (Subject to collection agency referral, where additional fees may apply) $25.00
SEPA review, publishing and other public notices as required by law, in addition to permit application and staff hourly fees Cost of service
Recording Fees Cost of service
Laboratory sampling and analysis Cost of service
Violation of SCC 12.36, Food Establishments $250.00
Violation of RCW 70.90, Water Recreation Facilities $250.00
Violation of SCC 12.05, On-Site Sewage Code $250.00
Failure to complete operations and maintenance inspection $75.00
Failing on-site sewage disposal system $250.00
Liquid waste/sewage violation involving properties served by municipal sewer system or a sewer district; fine can be applied daily $250.00
Littering or failure to contain garbage $250.00
Minor illegal dumping violation $500.00
Major illegal dumping violation $1,000.00
Poultry BMP violation $300.00
Dead animal disposal violation (per animal) $400.00
Solid Waste Code Permit Violation or other code violation not covered above $1,000.00
Site clean-up ordered by Health Officer Cost of clean up
Public water system violation (where Skagit County has responsibility – each day a separate violation) $250.00
Administration Fee (non-refundable) $95.00
Violation of RCW 70.160.050 – Washington State Clean Indoor Air Act $100.00
Appeal to Skagit County Board of Health of Health Officer Decision $750.00
Variance/waiver application to permit or code requirements (first 5 hours) $450.00
Additional hours after initial 5 hours Hourly Rate
Food Program variance without HACCP requests only (first 2 hours) $200.00
Additional hours after initial 2 hours Hourly Rate
Food Program variance with HACCP or other special process approval as required by WAC 246-215-08210 (first 5 hours) $500.00
Additional hours after initial 5 hours Hourly Rate

Sliding Fee Scale Does Not Apply. Fees set according to RCW 70.58A.560. Once issued, certificates are not refundable.

Certified copy of birth (cost for each copy) $25.00
Certified copy of death (cost for each copy) $25.00
Re-issued Corrected Certified copy of death (cost for each copy) $10.00


NSF Check Charge $25.00
Subject to referral to collection agency, where additional fees may apply  
Late Fee – Outstanding Invoice Payment (monthly fee) $50.00
Subject to referral to collection agency, where additional fees may apply  


Hourly charge for service or review $95.00
Per hour