March 22, 2021
WA State to Move to Vaccine Phase 1b-Tier 3 and 4 on March 31st
Last week, Governor Inslee announced that beginning on Wednesday, March 31st, everyone in Phase 1b-Tier 3 and 4 will be eligible for their COVID vaccine. This is an expedited timeline since the State had previously planned to expand to these phases in April.
The newly added Tiers includes the following groups:
- People 16 years or older with 2 or more co-morbidities or underlying conditions
- All people 60 years and older
- People, staff, and volunteers in certain congregate living settings: correctional facilities; groups homes for people with disabilities; settings where people experiencing homelessness live or access services
- High-risk critical workers in certain congregate settings: restaurants, food services, construction, and manufacturing
To determine your eligibility, you can use the Phase Finder tool at www.findyourphasewa.org. If eligible, you can make an appointment by going to www.vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov/.
Those currently eligible as part of Phases 1a, 1b-Tier 1, and 1b-Tier 2 are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible, preferably before March 31st. Those 65 and older are especially encouraged to make an appointment to get the COVID-19 vaccine now. If you have had a difficult time making an appointment in the past, please try again.
“The vaccine appointment system has improved significantly since the State first began providing vaccines to Phase 1a individuals,” said Jennifer Johnson, Skagit County Public Health Director. “Skagit County has a well-staffed Vaccine Hotline to assist those who need extra help scheduling an appointment, and we encourage our older residents to use this service!”
For assistance, call the Vaccine Hotline at (360) 416-1500. We also ask that family, friends, and neighbors reach out to older adults to see if they need help making an appointment. Please help us to ensure that everyone who is eligible for a vaccine has the opportunity to schedule their appointment.
For COVID-19 vaccine questions, please visit www.skagitcounty.net/COVIDvaccine or call Skagit County’s Vaccine Hotline at (360) 416-1500, Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.