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Environmental Health

Director: Keith Higman

Pollution Prevention Assistance

Request a technical
assistance visit


About the Regional Partnership
The Pollution Prevention Partnership (previously Local Source Control) is comprised of representatives from cities, counties, and health districts. Funding assistance is provided by the Department of Ecology and allows the program to provide free hands-on-assistance to Small Quantity Generators (typically small businesses and organizations) who wish to improve their practices by reducing impacts to human health and the environment.

This is accomplished through technical assistance visits that are designed to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste and pollutants at the source. A local pollution prevention specialist will meet with your organization to evaluate current activities and practices. They will discuss concerns, observations, solutions, and work directly to help solve common challenges around dangerous wastes, stormwater, solid waste, and spill prevention. This collaborative process limits liability, reduces risks, and improved work environments. Learn more about Department of Ecology’s role here.

Pollution Prevention in Skagit County
Skagit County Public Health has been part of the Pollution Prevention Partnership since 2008. Helping businesses and governments manage dangerous waste and stormwater is a high priority for Skagit County government.

Our goal is to protect the health of employees, neighbors and our water ways. Pollution prevention solutions are often simple and cost effective. Sometimes it just takes a little knowledge and a small behavior change to stop pollution from a business. Sometimes efforts are more expensive and more involved. In either case, we can help you move forward.

The Pollution Prevention Program offers no-cost, voluntary technical assistance site visits to businesses to evaluate business practices and provide information on pollution prevention. Preventing pollution at the source will keep our water ways clean and improve our public health.

Our pollution prevention specialists can:

  • Help you implement best management practices for stormwater
  • Explain waste regulations that apply to your business
  • Help you locate disposal resources
  • Provide materials such as spill kits

If you would like to learn more about the program, or to schedule a free technical assistance visit contact:
Britt Pfaff Dunton 360-416-1562 ; brittp@co.skagit.wa.us
Dale Patrick 360-416-1558 ; dpatrick@co.skagit.wa.us
Heather M Lopes 360-416-1519 ; heatherl@co.skagit.wa.us