Food Safety

Global Menu

Food Safety

Director: Keith Higman


Public Health Food Safety
Permitting, Inspections, Illness Prevention and Investigation

Skagit County Public Health Department's Food Safety Program is responsible for inspecting and permitting retail food service establishments (FSE). Our mission is to prevent illnesses caused by improper preparation of food through foodworker education, consumer education, disease investigation, and inspections of everything from restaurants to high school concession stands.

Food Establishment Definitions

Be aware of Food Safety Recalls

Annual Food Service Permits
Restaurants, Espresso Stands, Stores, Mobiles

For complete requirements for retail food establishment construction and operation see:

Stationary Food Establishment Plan Review

  • Taking over an existing establishment
  • Remodel or significant menu change
  • New construction of food establishment

Food Establishment Permit Application

  • Annual permit renewal application
  • Initial application for new establishments after completion of plan review and approval
  • Same form for stationary, mobile, and catering operations

Wholesale Food Processors

  • Licensed by WSDA
  • Sell food to retail distributors or other wholesale distributors

Donated Food Distribution

Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review

  • Taking over an existing mobile food truck, trailer, or cart to operate year round
  • Remodel or significant menu change at mobile
  • New construction of mobile food truck, trailer, or cart

Other Required Forms:

Commissary Agreement

Commissary Information
English | Spanish

Restrooom Agreements


Temporary Food Services Permits

Temporary Permit Additional Documents

See Commissary Agreement if preparing or storing food anywhere other than the event location

Temporary Event information & Self-Inspection Checklist English | Spanish

Temporary Food Permit Applications

Single event or single market application

Multiple Event or multiple market application

Exemption application

Sampling/Demonstrator application

Event Coordinator application


Food Borne Illness Information

Skagit County Public Health takes complaints regarding foodborne illness and food safety seriously. If you believe that you have become ill from something you ate, we would like to know! Contact your health care provider if your symptoms are serious. Report online using the new statewide Foodborne Illness Notification System (FINS) or call us at 360-416-1500.

Food Handler Cards and Training
Consumer Food Safety
Food Safety in Emergencies
Retail Food Safety NEWS
Food Business Resources



Please see the links below for templates, handouts, and other useful information from the Department of Health and other public health departments. Many resources are now available in English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean, Russian, Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.


The Business Organics Management Area (BOMA) requires businesses that produce over 4 cubic yards of organic waste per week to subscribe to an organic materials management service. On January 1, 2026 that will drop to 96 gallons – this is the size of a green curbside yard waste bin. This law will affect Skagit County businesses, including food establishments, west of Highway 9 and around Lake Cavanaugh. Contact the Skagit County Pollution Prevention Assistance Program with any questions or concerns about these new rules.


Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, perishable foods that are prepared in-house or in open packages used or discarded within 7 days. If these foods are kept for more than 24 hours after preparation or opening they must be clearly marked in order to track the expiration date.

The day of preparation counts as day one. If you combine any ingredients that are date marked, you must continue to use the earliest date for the new product. If a food item has been cooled on-site and will be held in the establishment for more than 24 hours, date marking will be required, starting with the first day of cooling.

Below are some other examples of foods that require date marking, as well as some exceptions:


There are different requirements for reusable containers that are provided by the food establishment versus containers that are brought in by the customer.


301 Valley Mall Way, Suite 110
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Phone (360) 416-1500