January 6, 2021
New guidance from the Governor’s office impacts Skagit residents and workers.
Yesterday, Governor Inslee announced another, new phased plan called ‘Healthy Washington- Roadmap to Recovery.’ Unlike previous reopening plans, Healthy Washington groups Washington’s counties into regions based (mostly) on the Emergency Medical Services regions used to evaluate medical services. Skagit County is part of the North region, along with Whatcom, Island and San Juan Counties.
All regions begin in Phase 1 on January 11, 2021. Key restrictions in Phase 1 are:
- Indoor social gatherings are prohibited, outdoor social gatherings are limited to ten people and no more than two distinct households.
- Indoor worship services, retail stores, professional services and personal services (hair salons, nail salons, etc…) are limited to 25 percent capacity. Where possible, remote work/attendance and curbside pickup are encouraged.
- Indoor dining at any eating or drinking establishment is prohibited. Outdoor dining is limited to six people per table and no more than two households at each table. Establishments must close by 11 p.m.
- Weddings and funeral ceremonies are limited to no more than 30 people. Indoor receptions, wakes or similar related gatherings in conjunction with such services are prohibited.
- Indoor entertainment establishments may offer private reservations for individual households and no more than 6 people. General admission is prohibited.
- Outdoor entertainment establishments may offer timed ticketed events to groups of ten (limit two households) at a time.
Depending on the activity, additional restrictions and/or requirements for reopening (required masking, spacing, etc…) may also be in effect. To read the full phase activity chart, and for additional information on Phase 1 permitted activities see here.
Progress through the Healthy Washington phases is dictated by four metrics measured by region:
- Decreasing trend in two week rate of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population (decrease has to be greater than 10 percent)
- Decreasing trend in two-week rate in new COVID-19 hospital admission rates per 100,000 population (decrease must be greater than 10 percent)
- Total (COVID and non-COVID) ICU occupancy has to be less than 90 percent capacity
- COVID-19 test positivity rate must be less than 10 percent.
Progress will be determined automatically, no application by the regions will be required. The Washington State Department of Health will evaluate metrics each Friday, with any movement forward or backward taking effect the following Monday.
Guidelines for long-term care facilities, K-12 education and childcare remain separate and have not been changed by the latest plan. For more information on these sectors, see:
If you have questions, or need additional information, please call Public Health at 360-416-1500 or email eh@co.skagit.wa.us |