February 3, 2021
February 3, 2021: COVID-19 Vaccine Updates from Skagit County
In order to keep Skagitonians informed of new COVID-19 vaccine information, we will be providing weekly vaccine updates. As of February 1st, 1,741 Phase 1a and 1b, Tier 1-eligible individuals have received their first dose at the Skagit County Fairgrounds Clinic. The Clinic is by appointment only and availability is based on vaccine supply.
Below are some clarifications that need to be made around Public Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the Skagit County Fairgrounds:
No waitlists are available
Skagit County Public Health will not use a waitlist system for the Fairgrounds Clinic. Vaccine supply is provided by the Federal and State government, and County allocation decisions are made on a weekly basis. For this reason, Public Health cannot offer waitlists while vaccine supply is still so limited and relatively inconsistent.
In several instances, the online scheduling system (“PrepMod”) has allowed for a waitlist when all clinic spots have been filled. This was not intentional. The waitlist has not guaranteed individuals a space in line. Public Health asks that those individuals who were placed on a waitlist please schedule for a different clinic date when there is availability again.
Individual appointments are required
Vaccine is provided at the Fairgrounds Clinic by appointment only for those who are Phase eligible. Each individual receiving a vaccine must have an appointment; no joint appointments are available. When scheduling an appointment online through PrepMod, each appointment is specific to an individual. In order to schedule multiple people, an appointment must be made for each individual separately.
How to know when you have successfully made an appointment
Only those who receive a confirmation email from Skagit County Public Health have successfully made an appointment for a vaccine at the Fairgrounds Clinic.
Online scheduling for the Fairgrounds Clinic can be done through PrepMod (when clinic dates are available): https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov/. If you receive a message in PrepMod stating that you have been placed on a waitlist, please know that this has not reserved you a space. You will need to reschedule for another available clinic date.
Furthermore, completing a survey in Phase Finder does not reserve someone a vaccine appointment. This tool is helpful to determine your phase of eligibility and will alert you when you become eligible for a vaccine. Individuals cannot schedule an appointment through this online tool.
There has also been confusion over Skagit County’s new online preregistration tool for our Testing Site (https://www.testdirectly.com/skagit). Please do not use this site if you are trying to schedule an appointment for vaccine. This site is for COVID-19 testing only.
No end-of-day doses provided to those without an appointment
Public Health will not provide vaccine to people who do not have an appointment. It is the goal of Public Health to schedule appointments based on supply, and a system has been put into place to account for no-shows. Please do not come to the Fairgrounds expecting to be admitted at the end of the day, as this poses safety issues for our guests, staff, and neighboring community. Thank you!
Additional Resources
If you need further assistance, please call the Vaccine Hotline at (360) 416-1500, Monday-Saturday from 7:30am to 6:00pm.