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February 6, 2024

Skagit County Seeks Applicants for Agricultural Advisory Board

Skagit County is seeking applicants to fill two vacant seats for a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to serve in an advisory role in making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding land use, planning, programs, and policy decisions relating to agriculture. The Commissioners seek to fill the positions with someone who lives, works, or serves customers in District 3. The current terms for the vacant positions end on December 31, 2024, and December 31, 2026. The Skagit County Agricultural Advisory Board makes recommendations on policy and planning issues related to agriculture and represents the diversity of the agricultural economy, various agricultural operations, and districts of Skagit County.

The Skagit County Agricultural Advisory Board seeks persons with demonstrated knowledge, experience, and interest in one or more of the following agricultural areas: soil and water conservation, farming practices, food and feed processing, wholesale and retail marketing, produce buying, direct marketing, supply, agricultural real estate/land appraisals, and finance.

Residents with demonstrated knowledge, experience, and interest in one or more of the preceding agricultural areas are encouraged to submit a letter of interest along with a statement of qualifications by March 7, 2024, to:

Skagit County Planning and Development Services
Agricultural Advisory Board Liaison Kimberly Adams
1800 Continental Place Mount Vernon, WA 98273

E-mail:  commissioners@co.skagit.wa.us and kadams@co.skagit.wa.us

To learn more about the Skagit County Agricultural Advisory Board, visit: https://www.skagitcounty.net/Departments/NRAgAdvisory.

For further information, please contact Kimberly Adams at kadams@co.skagit.wa.us or call Planning and Development Services at (360) 416-1338.