February 11, 2021
Rebates for Septic System Inspections, Pumping, or Riser Installation
Skagit County Public Health is offering up to $200 rebates for septic system inspection, pumping or riser installation to qualifying residents (one per household). A grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows public health to implement a rebate program for residents who pay a certified septic system provider to inspect, pump, or install riser to raise tank lids to the surface.
All residents of Skagit County whose homes or businesses are served by a septic system require annual inspections, unless the system is conventional gravity (three-year inspection requirement), per Skagit County Code (SCC) 12.05.160 and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 246-272A-270.
Since 2011 Skagit County Public Health has offered rebates to homeowners for inspections and riser installation, when funding allows, easing the financial burden of paying a professional to perform routine inspections. Installing risers provides ready access to tank lids, which encourages frequent routine maintenance.
Properly functioning septic systems protect public health and water quality by assuring that household sewage is adequately treated before returning to the environment. Regular and consistent septic system inspections can save property owners money by identifying problems that may be fixed immediately. Unmaintained septic systems are more likely to develop problems that require major repair or replacement. Inspections can also save property owners money by determining if the solids need to be pumped from the tanks. Septic tank pumping is typically more expensive than inspections.
For more information about rebates please contact Corrina Marote at corrinam@co.skagit.wa.us and 360-416-1500, or visit our website.