February 12, 2021
Skagit County to move to Phase 2 of Healthy Washington—Roadmap to Recovery plan beginning Sunday, February 14.
Yesterday, Governor Inslee announced that the North Region- which includes Whatcom, Skagit, Island and San Juan Counties—will be moving forward to Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery Plan beginning on Sunday, February 14. Movement in the Roadmap to Recovery plan is determined by four metrics, which you can view in detail here.
“Skagitonians have done a lot of work to get to this moment,” said Commissioner Lisa Janicki “We’re thankful to everyone who is continuing to keep socially distant, masking up and avoiding socially gatherings. You’re working hard to keep our community safe. Please keep it up and continue to support our local businesses.”
Businesses and individuals can engage in more activities during Phase 2, while following appropriate restrictions. Activities newly permitted during Phase 2 include:
- Indoor social gatherings with five or fewer people, and outdoor gatherings with 15 or fewer people. Both indoor and outdoor gatherings are limited to no more than two households.
- Restaurants can open for indoor dining, keep occupancy at 25 percent of maximum capacity.
- Fitness centers can open for non-appointment indoor operations, also keeping with 25 percent maximum occupancy.
Restrictions for worship services, retail stores and professional and personal services remain unchanged. You can view industry specific guidance here.
“Vaccines are coming, and we urge everyone to continue following basic precautions regardless of the activities you’re undertaking to ensure that you are healthy when you become eligible for a vaccine,” said Public Health Director Jennifer Johnson. “Keep wearing your mask- and even double up if you can. Maintain social distance of six feet from everyone you don’t live with; practice good hand hygiene and continue to keep your social gatherings safe and small. We can get through this together.”
For more information about the Healthy Washington—Roadmap to Recovery plan, visit here. If you have questions, or need additional information about Skagit’s COVID-19 response visit www.skagitcounty.net/coronavirus or call 360-416-1500.