February 26, 2024
Update #20 on Olympic Pipeline Gasoline Spill
The Unified Command leading the response to the discharge of gasoline from a vault associated with the Olympic Pipeline in Conway, Washington has the following updates on the progress of cleanup efforts.
Cofferdam installation
This week, a dewatering system was installed to remove water from the soil inside the cofferdam. Water removed from the soil will be cleaned and returned to the environment. Excavation of contaminated soil along the streambank is expected to begin within the next few days, after testing of the dewatering and water treatment systems is complete.
Surface water sampling will continue during excavation.
Photos of weekly progress are available on Ecology’s Flickr and YouTube sites.
Air monitoring and potential gas odor
During excavation, mild gasoline odor may be noticeable near the site. As excavation proceeds, enhanced air monitoring on the site will ensure the safety of response workers. Community air monitoring will continue to ensure protection of the public. Based on sampling data, we do not expect air sampling levels to exceed safety thresholds.
General information
The Unified Command asks members of the community and public to continue reporting sheens in Hill Ditch by emailing Liaison@ecy.wa.gov. To report sheens outside Hill Ditch, call 1-800-OILS-911.
Air monitoring conducted at the direction of the Unified Command continues to indicate no public health risk from gasoline fumes. Community air monitoring will continue during work hours when impacted soil is being removed.
Sampling downstream of the spill site continues and no exceedances of environmental or health-based screening values for hydrocarbons have been reported at any location since December 22, 2023.
Members of the public who come upon injured or deceased wildlife are asked not to touch or relocate affected wildlife and to call 1-800-22BIRDS.
A claims center has been established by the Olympic Pipeline. Please call 1-866-616-1558 to report any personal or property damages resulting from the spill.
The Unified Command consists of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Washington Department of Ecology, the Skagit County Department of Emergency Management, bp, the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, and Lummi Indian Nation.
Status updates are posted on Ecology’s website at ecology.wa.gov/OlympicPipelineSpill. Photos and videos are available on Ecology’s Flickr and YouTube sites.
For further information on this incident, contact:
Ty Keltner/Ecology: 360-515-6868
Jenn Rogers/Skagit County: 360-630-6604
Paul Takahashi/bp: 713-903-9729
Bill Dunbar/EPA: 206-245-7452