March 12, 2021
Phase 1B, Tier 2 eligible individuals able to get vaccine starting Wednesday, March 17; Changes made to Roadmap to Recovery
Yesterday, Governor Inslee announced that Washington State will open vaccine eligibility to Phase 1B, Tier 2 individuals beginning on March 17, 2021. He also announced changes to Roadmap to Recovery.
Vaccine eligibility:
Phase 1B, Tier 2 eligible individuals will be able to get vaccinated starting March 17. Phase 1B, Tier 2 includes:
- Pregnant People ages 16 years of age or older
- People with a disability that makes them higher risk for poor outcomes from COVID-19, ages 16 and older.
- Critical workers in congregate settings ages 16 years or older. Qualifying work settings include, but are not limited to:
- Agriculture
- Food processing
- Correctional facilities
- Public Transit
- Grocery stores
- First responders not covered by an earlier phase or tier.
Full phase guidance for Washington State can be found here: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/1600/coronavirus/SummaryInterimVaccineAllocationPriortization.pdf
Eligible individuals will be able to seek vaccines through any open clinic, including the Public Health Fairgrounds clinic beginning March 17. Currently eligible individuals in Phase 1A and Phase 1B, Tier 1 will continue to be eligible as well.
Roadmap to Recovery
Governor Inslee also announced that all Counties in Washington state would move forward to Phase 3 of the Roadmap to Recovery plan on March 22, 2021. Details of Phase 3 are still being worked out, but notable new guidance includes:
- Indoor activities, such as restaurants, will have increased capacity up to 50 percent occupancy or 400 people maximum, whichever is lower.
- Outdoor activities, such as fairs, will also have increased capacity, up to 50 percent occupancy or 400 individuals whichever is lower.
- Larger outdoor venue events with fixed seating are capped at 25 percent occupancy, or up to 9,000 people, whichever is less and must follow spectator guidelines.
- Youth, Amateur and Professional sporting events with fixed seating can have spectators up to 25 percent occupancy.
Additional guidance will be released in the coming days. Governor Inslee also altered the framework of Roadmap to Recovery. Forward or backward progress will now be evaluated on a county by county basis, rather than in regions. Skagit County’s ability to move forward will be determined based on two metrics:
- COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents over 14 days being less than 200.
- 7 day average of new daily COVID-19 hospitalizations being five or fewer.
If at any point Statewide ICU occupancy becomes higher than 90 percent, all counties will move backward one phase. Additional information on these changes can be found here.
If you have questions or need additional information call Public Health at 360-416-1500 or visit www.skagitcounty.net/covidvaccine