March 22, 2020
Resident of an Anacortes Retirement Community Tests Positive for COVID-19
A resident of the Chandler’s Square Retirement Community in Anacortes has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual is hospitalized at Island Hospital and is expected to be released to stay with a family member, where they will remain in isolation. One additional resident is hospitalized and being evaluated.
Skagit County Public Health identifies and notifies all close contacts of COVID-19 cases. All close contacts are given instructions for taking quarantine precautions.
Chandler’s Square is taking appropriate actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to staff and other residents, and we are grateful for the community’s leadership during this difficult time. Chandler’s Square has been following all of Governor Inslee’s direction for senior living communities and initiated isolation of the resident promptly.
Public Health is consulting with the Washington Department of Health (DOH) and staff at Chandler’s Square regarding testing protocols for other residents. DOH will further assist the facility in ensuring the safety of staff and other residents.
Chandler’s Square, Public Health, Island Hospital, and the City of Anacortes are committed to protecting the residents of this retirement community and the public at large.
Public Health has been working since early March to provide resources to high-risk senior communities. Staff conducted visits to every skilled nursing, long-term care, and assisted living facility in the County to provide preparedness information. Public Health has also conducted daily weekday phone calls with each skilled nursing, long-term care, and assisted living facility in the County, as well as weekly phone calls with all senior housing communities.
Island Hospital is taking all measures to provide staffing, facilities, and resources to care for the public during this time. Island Hospital has a call center and Respiratory Clinic that are staffed to handle patients with symptoms of illness. The phone number is 360-293-3101.
Anacortes Mayor Laurie Gere will be meeting with leaders from Island Hospital and Public Health on Monday to get updates on the situation and provide additional details to the public. Any questions for the City can be directed to Division Chief Nick Walsh, Anacortes Fire Department, at 360-293-1925 or nickw@cityofanacortes.org.
Please continue to access the following websites for up-to-date information about the response to COVID-19: