April 10, 2020
Stay Home, Stay Healthy updates from Skagit County
News about COVID-19 changes often. We want to make sure you have the most up-to-date information so you can make the best choices for yourself and your family. Here are your updates from Skagit County:
- As of 2 p.m. today Skagit County has 185 of laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 39 recoveries, 27 hospitalizations and 6 deaths. Daily updates and case counts are posted by 4 p.m. at http://www.skagitcounty.net/coronavirus.
- Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation has temporarily prohibited in-person attendance at public meetings. The Skagit County Commissioners still want to hear from you. Public comments can be provided by sending an e-mail to commissioners@co.skagit.wa.us or by calling the Commissioners’ office at (360) 416-1300.
- The latest Conversations COVID-19 video is available to view. Learn about how to support seniors during this time. Please check it out here: https://vimeo.com/user10919299
- Why is social distancing so important? Governor Inslee released this video that we encourage you to watch and share with your employees, family members and friends.
- Looking for a way to support your local farmers during this time? Puget Sound Food Hub is now offering residential deliveries of fresh, local agricultural products. Visit their website to find out more information.
Safely Celebrating Springtime Holidays
At this point, COVID-19 has impacted everyone in some way. We aren’t going to work, seeing family or attending religious services in the same way we’re used to. With many holiday and life milestones taking place during the spring, the temptation to fall back into some old ways and traditions is going to be strong.
We need you to continue to stay home and avoid gatherings during what is traditionally a busy time for families, and community and religious groups.
We know that gathering in person typically plays an important role in celebrations. But these are not typical times. Celebration is still important for keeping us socially connected, even if physically distant. Here are some suggestions from our staff on how they’ve celebrated holidays and milestones without physically being together:
- Use video chat apps, such as Zoom or FaceTime, to connect with family members. Coordinate with family so you can sit down to celebrate a holiday together- virtually.
- Community service is important to many faith communities. Speak with your religious organization about volunteer opportunities that may be available in your area. Giving back can be a great way to celebrate a holiday.
- Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order doesn’t allow for in-person convening of religious services. Many religious communities are broadcasting services online so you can attend services from your own home.
- Get outside and enjoy the nice springtime weather. Take a walk around your neighborhood with your immediate family.
- Participate in community social-distance events, like the City of Anacortes' socially distant egg hunt.
- Celebrate a baby shower, graduation or a birthday by dropping gifts and treats on your friend or family member’s porch.
We know this is a difficult season to stay home. Religious practices and traditions can be a great source of comfort during times of stress, but we’re seeing that social distancing is working. Washington State is flattening the curve so this isn’t the time to let up. Keep staying home, staying healthy and we’ll get through this together.