April 15, 2020
Home, Stay Healthy Updates from Skagit County
Ongoing COVID-19 Transmission in Skagit County
We have seen an increase in positive COVID-19 cases the past two days and are closely watching trends. Today, Public Health reported 9 new laboratory confirmed cases. Daily updates and total case counts are available at http://www.skagitcounty.net/coronavirus. Case Counts are updated at 4 p.m.
Stay Strong, Stay Home, Stay Healthy
Staying home is hard. We’re tired, we miss our families, we’re sad about the state of the world, and we’re worried about our jobs and our loved ones. This is new, scary territory for everyone, and, unfortunately, we have a long road ahead of us.
It is not the time to let up yet. The virus is still in our community, and until a vaccine or a treatment is developed, practicing good social distancing and hygiene are the best ways to protect ourselves from COVID-19.
To the vast majority of Skagit residents who are staying home: THANK YOU for doing the right thing. To anyone bending the rules set by health experts: it’s not too late to make a correction. We need your help to limit the spread of COVID-19 and keep essential workers- nurses, first responders, and those working to ensure our food supply is reliable- healthy. We can all be leaders in this fight by staying home and setting a good example for our friends and family.
Here are some of the ways our staff is adapting to Stay Home, Stay Healthy:
- We’re NOT inviting family or friends into our homes. This was a particularly hard thing to do as we celebrated springtime holidays.
- We ARE spending virtual time with our friends and family on places like Google hangouts, Skype, Zoom and more.
- We are NOT going to neighborhood gatherings. Any gathering of non-household members, even outside, is prohibited under the Governor’s orders.
- We are NOT going to the store just so we can finish our home improvement list. Everyone’s got that list of things they’d do at home if they had the time: Paint the bathroom, build a garden box, etc. But we’re not going to the store just for these nonessential supplies.
- We ARE getting projects done around the house with the supplies we have on hand. We’re weeding the garden, mowing the lawn, doing a deep-clean of the kitchen or anything we already have supplies for.
- We are NOT going to the grocery store unless we absolutely have to. Drinking black coffee because you ran out of cream two days ago? Us too. Can’t make the dinner you want because you’re out of tomato sauce? Been there. It’s not worth the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 just to enjoy some creature comforts.
- We ARE making grocery lists and planning ahead, so that when we go shopping once every 14 days we’re confident that we have everything we need. Whenever possible, we use curbside pick-up to limit our time inside the store and outside our home.
- We are NOT going to crowded trails or other outdoor spaces where we will encounter lots of people.
- We ARE walking around our neighborhood and enjoying the spring weather.
If you’re looking at this list and feeling low, you’re not alone. Many of us have been practicing social distancing for weeks, and it’s wearing on us. We don’t have all the answers but one thing we do know for sure is this: We can’t give up now. If we do, we’ll be right back where we started.
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been following the guidelines set forward by Skagit County Public Health. Keep it up.
Additional Resources
- We’re all under a lot of mental, emotional and financial stress these days. Public Health has some recommendations to help Skagitonians deal with stress during these unprecedented times. Read the new blog post on Ten Way to Protect Emotional Wellness here.
- The Washington State Department of Health has updated its mental and emotional well-being resources to ensure that everyone has equitable access to support, including support for survivors, service men and women, and health care workers.
- Governor Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman are partnering on a new Q&A series for older Washingtonians. This week’s episode focuses on caregiving for older adults. New episodes air at 6 p.m. Thursdays on TVW and online: http://www.teachwithtvw.org/
- State leaders have launched a new “Road to Recovery” series on TVW to talk about how businesses and workers can navigate their way through the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first episode, host Mike McClanahan and Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine discuss the steps people must take to receive financial help during COVID-19.
Thank you for your continued partnership to keep Skagit County Healthy!