June 11, 2020
Stay Home, Stay Healthy updates from Skagit County
Public Health reported 2 new laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 today. Daily updates and total case counts are available at http://www.skagitcounty.net/coronavirus. Case counts are updated at 4:30 p.m.
Gathering Safely during Phase 2
Last week, Skagit County officially entered Phase 2 of the Safe Start—Reopening Washington plan. Among other things, Phase 2 allows you to gather with five or fewer people from outside your household per week. We’re all excited to see our friends and loved ones again, but it is important that we continue to do so as safely as possible, and while using good physical distancing and hygiene practices. Regardless of who you’re visiting or seeing, please:
- Stay outside if possible. Being outside, in open air, is one way you can limit the spread of COVID-19. If you can’t be outside, keep your windows open.
- Maintain at least six feet of distance between yourself and people you don’t live with. If you can’t maintain distance, you shouldn’t gather.
- Wear masks at all times (except when eating or drinking). Wearing a mask drastically reduces the amount of particles you disperse into the air, making it less likely that you’ll transmit COVID-19 to a friend or family member.
- Don’t share communal or family-style food. Instead, everyone should bring their own food or plates should be dished up separately. Do not reuse utensils that have touched unclean plates.
- Wash or sanitize your hands as frequently as possible.
- Limit the frequency and size of gatherings. You are only allowed to see five or fewer people per week, so make sure that on a rolling seven day basis you’re not seeing more than five individuals who do not live in your immediate household.
Further, high risk friends and family members should continue to stay home. Please support them in doing so.
Remember, every time you come into close contact with a person who doesn't live with you, there is a risk of transmission. We don’t want to have to move backwards to Phase 1 due to increased transmission rates. Please, over the next few weeks, be smart about gathering together and stay strong, stay smart and stay healthy.
Additional Resources
- The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction announced additional assistance for families with kids that qualify for free and reduced lunches. Called Pandemic EBT, these benefits will help families buy groceries. If you would like to learn more, including how to apply, please visit: https://medium.com/@waOSPI/what-is-pandemic-ebt-a7a086fcaf94
- Skagit Health Connection published a new blog on Flying in the Pandemic. Read about one Public Health employee’s experience on flying and what they wish they had known before their trip. You can also sign up to receive posts straight to your inbox at www.skagitcounty.blog.