June 23, 2020
Governor Inslee announces new statewide requirement that all residents wear masks in public.
Today, Governor Inslee announced a new statewide requirement that all Washingtonians and visitors to the State wear facemasks or coverings in indoor public places such as stores, offices and restaurants. The order also requires that face coverings be used in outdoor settings where people cannot stay six feet apart from people they don't live with. . There are exceptions for those who are not medically able, are deaf and/or hard of hearing, and children under 5 years of age. This requirement aligns with Skagit County Health Officer Dr. Leibrand’s recommendation from early April.
Governor Inslee’s order comes following significant increases in the COVID-19 transmission rate throughout Washington. Skagit County has also seen an increase in transmission over the last several weeks primarily due to unauthorized social gatherings, travel and transmission between coworkers. Remember, even if you are wearing an appropriate face covering, now is not the time to gather in large groups. Please, continue to follow Phase 2 guidelines, use good physical distancing and hand hygiene.
The requirement goes into effect on Friday, June 26, 2020. Willful noncompliance is a misdemeanor offense. You can find further information on the Washington state Coronavirus website. If you have any questions please reach out to Skagit Public Health at 360-416-1500 or eh@co.skagit.wa.us.