August 11, 2021
COVID-19 Updates from Skagit County
Case Counts/Hospitalizations Continuing to Increase in Skagit County
Beginning August 11, 2021, Public Health will include antigen-positive COVID-19 cases in cumulative and historic case count data on our website. People will now be able to see total positive cases, broken out by PCR (molecular)-positive and antigen-positive. Antigen-positive cases are treated the same way at the County as PCR-confirmed cases, with investigative follow-up by our staff and mandatory isolation.
Due to the wide availability and popularity of antigen tests, it is appropriate at this time to include these numbers in our cumulative count. With this inclusion, the County will provide a more accurate picture of community transmission and help guide efforts to respond to COVID-19. Antigen-positive data has been available through the WA DOH Dashboard since December 16, 2020.
Skagit County has a total of 6,564 cases (PCR and antigen-positive), 393 hospitalizations (increased by 8 since last Wednesday), and 79 deaths.
Skagit currently has a case rate of 182.4 per 100k over the last 14 days and a hospitalization rate of 10.0 COVID patients per 100k over the last seven days.
COVID-19 Testing Options
With case numbers on the rise and delta circulating in Skagit County, Public Health wants to remind everyone that getting tested is still essential in our fight against the spread of COVID-19. As a reminder, whether you have been vaccinated or not, if you’ve been around someone who has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, you should get tested 3-5 days after your exposure, even if you don’t have symptoms.
For a list of local testing options, go here.
Skagit County Public Health is now offering free antigen testing at our Wednesday evening vaccine clinics at the Skagit County Administrative Building (700 S 2nd St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273). We accept anyone 5 years and older; no appointment or insurance required. Test results are available in 15 minutes. Note: This is NOT intended as a pre-travel test.
Testing & Travel
If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel domestically or internationally, you will be required to get tested 1-3 days before your trip. Those who are fully vaccinated do not require testing before domestic travel, however most international destinations will still require pre-travel testing.
For those traveling, we recommend the following PCR-testing option:
DOH Reports on Breakthrough Cases and Variants
The DOH COVID-19 Cases, Deaths, and Hospitalizations in Persons Who Are Not Fully Vaccinated report states that more than 94% of all cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in individuals 12 years or older from Washington state can be attributed to individuals who have not been fully vaccinated.
It is important to remember that since millions of people in the United States are getting vaccinated, we expect to see some breakthrough disease. Fortunately, there is evidence from research studies that the COVID-19 vaccine reduces the risk of people getting really sick and needing to go to the hospital or dying from COVID-19.
Vaccines in Skagit County
A total of 156,507 vaccine doses have been administered in Skagit County so far. We are at 66.3 percent of all Skagitonians 12 years and older partially vaccinated against COVID-19.
Our pop-up vaccine clinics are available to anyone 12+ (when Pfizer available) or 18+ (when J&J available); no appointment needed! Visit our website for a full list: www.skagitcounty.net/COVIDvaccine.
Upcoming pop-up dates this week include:
For a full list, go to: https://vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov/