August 25, 2021
COVID-19 Updates from Skagit County
Local COVID-19 Case, Hospital & Vaccination Data
Skagit County is seeing its highest COVID-19 case numbers to date. Our current levels are higher now than they were back in the winter of 2020. Skagit County has a total of 7,362 cases (PCR and antigen-positive), 441 hospitalizations, and 84 deaths.
Skagit currently has a case rate of 496.0 per 100k over the last 14 days and a hospitalization rate of 14.6 COVID patients per 100k over the last seven days.
Please note: Data is supplied by the WA Department of Health and has a typical lag time of several days.
A total of 159,763 vaccine doses have been administered in Skagit County so far. We are at 68.0 percent of all Skagitonians 12 years and older partially vaccinated against COVID-19.
Here is what we know:
- 93.7% of WA cases from Feb 1, 2021 – Aug 10, 2021 were not fully vaccinated.
- 94.5% of WA cases from Feb 1, 2021 – Aug 3, 2021 who were hospitalized were not fully vaccinated.
- 92.9% of WA cases from Feb 1, 2021 – Jul 20, 2021 who died from COVID-19 were not fully vaccinated.
Getting vaccinated remains your best tool for preventing serious illness. Since last Tuesday, 980 more Skagitonians sought out their first dose.
State-wide Mask Mandate now in Effect
Governor Inslee’s statewide mask mandate went into effect on Monday, August 23. Masks are once again required in most indoor public places across the state, including restaurants, grocery stores, malls, and public-facing offices. The mask mandate applies to all Washingtonians five years and older, regardless of vaccination status. While not required, people are strongly encouraged to wear masks when gathering outdoors in large groups as well. For the full press release: https://bit.ly/3mbAauI
COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
On August 23, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced full approved for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.
New Vaccination Requirements for Certain Sectors
The Governor announced last Wednesdays that K -12 educators, school staff, coaches, bus drivers, school volunteers and others working in school facilities will have until October 18 to be fully vaccinated as a condition of employment. The requirement includes public, private and charter schools, as well as employees in Washington’s higher education institutions and childcare/early learning providers who serve children from multiple households. For details: https://bit.ly/3mbAauI
The Governor has previously announced a requirement for most state workers, and on-site contractors and volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment. State employees and workers in private health care and long-term care settings also have until October 18 to be fully vaccinated.
Rental Assistance Available – NEW Online Portal
The Skagit County Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance for rent and utilities to income-eligible Skagit County renters and their landlords who have been impacted by COVID-19. Go to www.skagitcounty.net/renthelp to determine if you qualify and to find the provider that is right for you.
Testing & Vaccination Available at the Fairgrounds Beginning Monday, August 30
Beginning Monday, August 30, Skagit County will once again be operating a COVID-19 testing and vaccination site at the Skagit County Fairgrounds. Both testing and vaccination will be available to the public free of cost.
The decision to reopen the Fairgrounds location was made due to the recent spike in cases in Skagit County, and the accompanying increase in demand for testing services. The latest COVID-19 modeling and surveillance situation report from the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) shows current COVID-19 cases and hospital admissions at their highest levels to-date. The high case numbers are likely to continue in the coming month due to the delta variant, putting increased strain on our hospitals, medical staff, and local testing and vaccination providers.
Information about operating dates and times are forthcoming. To receive updates, please subscribe to Skagit County press announcements at here.
Other Testing & Vaccination Options
Skagit County Public Health will be offering free antigen testing again tonight (Wednesday, August 25) at
the Skagit County Administrative Building (700 S 2nd St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273). We accept anyone 5 years and older; no appointment or insurance required. Test results are available in 15 minutes. Note: This is NOT intended as a pre-travel test.
For a full list of local testing options, go to: https://www.skagitcounty.net/Departments/HealthDiseases/coronavirusTESTsites.htm.
Public Health has a few pop-up vaccine clinics this week. For more information, go to: www.skagitcounty.net/COVIDvaccine.
Upcoming pop-up dates this week include:
- Wed, August 25: Immaculate Conception Regional School from 11am-1pm
- Wed, August 25: Skagit County Administrative Building Hearing Room from 6-9pm
- Thu, August 26: LaVenture Middle School, Mount Vernon from 4-7pm
- Thu, August 26: Skagit Valley Family YMCA from 4:30pm-7:30pm
- Fri, August 27: Burlington-Edison High School from 10am-1pm
- Sat, August 28: Kulshan Street Fair, Mount Vernon from 8am-2pm
- Sat, August 28: Samish Elementary, Sedro-Woolley from 9am-1pm
- Sat, August 28: Mount Vernon First United Methodist Church from 5-7pm
For a full list of vaccine providers, go to: https://vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov/. |