September 1, 2021
SKAGIT COUNTY COVID-19 UPDATE: September 1, 2021
Local COVID-19 Case, Hospital & Vaccination Data
Skagit County continues to see its highest COVID-19 case numbers to date. Our current levels are higher now than they were back in the winter of 2020. Skagit County has a total of 7,744 cases (PCR and antigen-positive), 450 hospitalizations, and 86 deaths.
Skagit currently has a case rate of 578.0 per 100k over the last 14 days and a hospitalization rate of 14.6 COVID patients per 100k over the last seven days.
A total of 161,733 vaccine doses have been administered in Skagit County so far. We are at 68.9 percent of all Skagitonians 12 years and older partially vaccinated against COVID-19.
We are seeing lots of new people accessing their first dose recently! Between 8/24 – 8/31, over 2,000 more first doses were administered in Skagit County. THANK YOU to all who took the time this week to get vaccinated. We see—and appreciate—YOU!
Testing & Vaccination Available at the Fairgrounds Beginning Monday, August 30
Skagit County is once again operating a COVID-19 testing and vaccination site at the Skagit County Fairgrounds. Both testing and vaccination is available to the public free of cost.
Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
South Gate Entrance of the Fairgrounds: 501 Taylor St, Mt Vernon, WA 98273
No insurance or appointment required!
Vaccination is available for anyone 12+; we will have first and second doses available, as well as 3rd doses for certain immunocompromised individuals. Please talk with your doctor before seeking a third dose.
Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines available (based on supply)
Antigen testing is available for anyone 5+.
Have questions? Please call (360) 416-1500.
Other Testing & Vaccination Options
For a full list of local testing options, go to: https://www.skagitcounty.net/Departments/HealthDiseases/coronavirusTESTsites.htm.
Public Health has a few pop-up vaccine clinics this week. For more information, go to: www.skagitcounty.net/COVIDvaccine.
Upcoming pop-up dates include:
Wed, September 1: Chinook Enterprises, Mount Vernon from 11am-1pm
Sat, September 11: Anacortes High School from 9am-12pm
For a full list, go to: https://vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov/.
Rental Assistance Available – NEW Online Portal
The Skagit County Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance for rent and utilities to income-eligible Skagit County renters and their landlords who have been impacted by COVID-19. Go to www.skagitcounty.net/renthelp to determine if you qualify and to find the provider that is right for you.