November 23, 2021
Post Flood Resources
The Skagit and Samish Rivers continue to recede, and sustained deep waters are withdrawing from roads, farmlands, residential areas and levees. We do not expect another flood stage event for at least ten days (the farthest out forecasted).
What do I do if I have flood damage and/or need assistance?
First things first - Shelter The American Red Cross continues to operate a shelter at Hamilton First Baptist Church (797 Hamilton Cemetery Rd, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284) for those who need.
Damage Assessment Forms for Residential and Business Loss The Skagit County Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is collecting information from Skagit County residents and businesses on damage, including losses, suffered during the flooding event of November 2021.
If your Skagit County home or business sustained damage as a result of this flooding event, you may be eligible for federal disaster assistance as you begin to clean up. Even if you have suffered only minor damage and do not expect to need assistance, please submit a report. Reports are due no later than Friday, December 3, 2021. Complete a damage report form by going to www.skagitcounty.net, or by clicking on the appropriate link below:
Residential | Residencial Business | Negocio
When complete, submit by email via DEM@co.skagit.wa.us. An online submission form will be available soon. Until available, please submit all forms via email.
For home safety, waste water, and septic information, contact Skagit County Public Health: 360-416-1500 or email EH@co.skagit.wa.us.
Agricultural Disaster Assistance To find out if you are eligible for assistance: A Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool is available at: www.farmers.gov/protection-recovery/disaster-tool to complete a series of questions which will detail what disaster assistance might be available to you.
Call or visit your local Farm Service Agency. They are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies. They can explain what disaster assistance might be available to farmers/ ranchers.
FSA Service Center Office:
Skagit County Farm Service Agency, 2005 East College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
PHONE: 360-428-7684
Debris Removal for Skagit County residents Skagit County residents affected by recent flooding can begin to dispose of flood debris at the Skagit County Recycling and Transfer Station during regular business hours, located at 14104 Ovenell Road in Mount Vernon. Please note that only flood-related debris will be accepted at no cost. The site operates Monday through Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; closed on Thanksgiving Day. We will continue to offer this service as long as the community needs.
Individual dumpsters will not be provided by the County. Those wishing to rent a dumpster can contact Waste Management at 1-800-592-9995 or can follow up with the city in which the resident resides.
Safety measures in your day-to-day activities are a highest priority Cold weather safety. As temperatures drop, remember that outdoor gas, propane, natural gas and charcoal burning heat sources should not be used indoors. These tools emit carbon monoxide (CO)—an odorless, colorless gas that can cause sudden illness and death if inhaled. More info on preventing carbon monoxide poisoning after an emergency.
Returning home after a flood When returning to a home that’s been flooded after a natural disaster, be aware of health risks to your family. The information here from Skagit County Public Health provides helpful details for a safe return to your home.
Road closures Thankfully, the vast majority of recent road closures have been reopened in the aftermath of this event. However, a number remain closed for repairs, maintenance and clean up. For a complete listing of current County and State road closures,
visit www.skagitcounty.net/reporting/roadclose and wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map/" respectively.
Feeling Overwhelmed? You are not alone The Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. Call or text: 1-800-985-5990
If you have questions or are not sure where to go, please contact Skagit County Department of Emergency Management at 360-416-1850.
For more emergency information, sign up for the emergency information listserv, CodeRed Alerts or follow Skagit County on Twitter @SkagitGov. The River Level Hotline (360- 416-1404) and www.skagitcounty.net/flood are updated frequently during events with current conditions and can be resources for information as well.