December 23, 2021
Notice on COVID-19 Testing Options Available in Skagit County During the Holidays
Due to overwhelming demand, Public Health has been informed that the Say Yes! COVID Test At-Home Testing Program will be running out of inventory by the end of this week. Skagitonians who have not yet ordered their free at-home COVID-19 testing kits can go to SayYesCovidHomeTest.org. Ordering is limited to 4 kits (8 tests) per household, while supplies last.
Those looking for other testing options over the holidays have several resources available to them, including the Skagit County Fairgrounds testing site. The Fairgrounds will be operating holidays hours next week, open Monday through Thursday from 3-7pm. Please note that the Fairgrounds does not provide PCR molecular testing and should not be used for those seeking proof for travel.
Cold weather may prevent on-site rapid antigen testing at the Fairgrounds during the week of December 27. If this is the case, staff will instead provide no-cost at-home testing kits to those who meet the site’s current testing criteria: individuals who live, work, or go to school in Skagit County, and who are currently symptomatic or have been recently exposed to COVID-19. Kits will be limited to one per vehicle, with two tests per kit. Since individuals will be administering their own tests at home in this situation, Public Health will not be able to verify tests results, and will not be able to provide record of a positive or negative test for those who need proof for their employer.
For a full list of other testing providers in Skagit County, please go to our website: https://bit.ly/3ueMbAl. Public Health also encourages people to consider for-purchase at-home testing options, available at locations such as Walgreens, Bartell Drugs, CVS, Walmart, Safeway, and Albertsons. Additionally, test kits can be ordered online directly through retailers. You do not need a prescription.
If testing at home and you receive a positive test result, please call the state’s COVID-19 Hotline as soon as possible at 1–800–525–0127. This helps to prevent the virus from further spreading in our community.
Though testing options may be slightly limited due to supply or reduced holiday hours, it is still critically important to test for COVID-19 before traveling or gathering. While not an adequate replacement for vaccination, getting tested routinely is one of the best ways to ensure that individuals are not spreading the virus unnecessarily to family and friends.
If you have symptoms, please isolate at home until you are able to get tested. Do not gather or visit with other people if sick or recently exposed to COVID-19. If you are not experiencing symptoms and have not been exposed—even if you are fully vaccinated—please consider using risk reduction strategies for holiday gatherings, found here: https://bit.ly/3mmveT5.
As we enter the new year, please know that the Washington State Department of Health is working to expand access to at-home tests across Washington. Skagit County Public Health will provide information about increased at-home testing availability as we learn more.