Guemes Island Ferry

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Guemes Island Ferry

Ferry Operations Manager: Rachel Rowe
2010 - 2011 Projects and Information
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Ferry Manager's Corner
Rachel Beck, Ferry Manager

I hope everyone enjoyed the holi-days and I wish all of you a happy new year. In this new year, I am very pleased to continue serving as the Ferry Manager. Thank you all for your kind support.
Several projects took place at the ferry in 2010, including the replace-ment of the wing walls and dol-phins, the construction of a new terminal facility, and the paving of 6th Street. Throughout this last year, there was a lot of construc-tion happening; your patience was appreciated.

The biggest project affecting the ferry in 2011 is the Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project. During the construction period of this project, the ferry will be shut down from approximately March 28—May 22, 2011. Skagit County understands that the ferry outage impacts our ridership significantly. As we get closer to the actual outage dates and have more information, we will post the information on our website. Please visit for continual updates.

I am so fortunate to work with a dedicated team of people here at Skagit County. We are all working diligently to minimize the impacts of this very important project.
Thank you for a great year. I look forward to the challenges that 2011 will bring.

2010 - 2011 Projects:

Ferry Terminal Building

Construction of the new terminal building has finally come to an end. The ferry crew moved in and began operating out of the new building on Octo-ber 6, 2010, and has spent the last few months getting the building organ-ized.
On October 11, 2010, Skagit County’s contractor, Myers General, removed the old building from the site by hoisting it up and over the existing sheds with a 250-ton crane from Sicklesteel Cranes. The building was sold to an Anacortes resident and is now located near the Anacortes Airport.
The new building was primarily funded through a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. A key element of this project was providing employment; as a result, the project employed 377 different individuals totaling 7,251.3 hours of work and provided $281,121.36 in direct wages to those workers.
Skagit County would like to thank all of the Guemes Island residents and City of Anacortes neighbors for so patiently put-ting up with the detours, noise, construction traffic, and other inconveniences while we were completing this project.
We also want to extend a big thank you to our Board of Skagit County Commissioners, funding partners, contractors, consultants, and staff:

WSDOT Highways and Local Programs, Theisen Architects, Myers General Commercial Corp. and all subcontractors, Widener and Associates, Materials Testing and Consulting, Past Ferry Manager Ron Panzero, Ferry Manager Rachel Beck, and her crew Skagit County Public Works Engineering staff.
For more information, contact David Walde at

Annual Ferry Boat Haul-Out and Maintenance
To improve reliability, lower costs, and protect capital improvement, Skagit County has adopted a maintenance program that includes an an-nual haul-out of the M/V Guemes. In 2011, the ferry will not be hauled out; however, the vessel will still undergo maintenance in the spring while it is out of service due to the Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project.
In addition to other maintenance items performed during the 2010 haul-out, Skagit County removed and replaced one main engine. This spring, the removed engine will be rebuilt, and our second main en-gine will be replaced. Both engines are five years old and have sur-passed 20,000 hours and are in need of a complete rebuild. The engine re-build and replacement will take place during the Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project. Skagit County currently owns three main engines for the ferry and has one stored at all times at the Skagit County Road Shop.
For more information, contact Rachel Beck at

Asphalt Overlay Project
The Asphalt Overlay Project will resurface I Avenue from its intersec-tion with 6th Street north to the approach of the bridge span. All ferry lanes and parking stalls along I Avenue will also be re-striped. The over-lay will commence in May, 2011 during the Dock Rehabilitation Project. For more information, contact Jennifer Swanson at

Skagit County appreciates your patience as we continue to obtain quotes for an automated ticket vending machine. As many of you know, a Request for Proposals for a ticket machine went out in 2010. Recently, Skagit County rejected the single proposal we received due to the high cost of the machine. We are working toward getting a ticket machine in the terminal building as soon as possible. For more information, contact Rachel Beck at

Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project
The Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project is planned to begin in spring, 2011. The ferry docks at both Anacortes and Guemes Island do not meet Washington State Department of Transportation sufficiency rating standards for bridges. As a result, both docks are in need of girder replacement due to significant corrosion, cracking, and spalling from years of saltwater exposure.
The contractor will begin working at the Guemes terminal mid-January through February 15, 2011. During this time, the contractor will drive piles for the installation of the temporary float and shoring for the bridge. Ferry ridership will not be affected during this time. In March, the contractor will resume work and will install the temporary floats for pedestrian access.
The main construction for the Dock Rehabilitation Project is expected to take 8-10 weeks to complete; the anticipated dock closure dates are March 28 – May 22, 2011. During this time, a temporary passenger-only ferry will be in service from Cap Sante Boat Haven in Anacortes to a temporary floating dock (west of the ferry landing) at Guemes Island.
Skagit County is securing vehicle parking at the Cap Sante Boat Haven; however, the exact location will not be determined until temporary passenger-only ferry service has been arranged. Skagit County will also provide temporary barge service to allow for fuel, propane, recycling, and garbage services while the project is in progress. Ferry ridership will not be affected until the end of March, 2011.
Skagit County has received over $1.5 million in BRAC funding as well as $1.1 million from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Fund for this project.
Skagit County is committed to keeping our riders informed and will provide more information on the project as it becomes available. For more information on the project, contact Jennifer Swanson at

Ferry Rates
The expiration date for punch cards purchased in 2010 (excluding the 23-trip monthly passes) has been extended until January 31, 2011. Punch cards purchased between January 1, 2011 and March 28, 2011 (excluding the 23-trip monthly passes) will expire December 31, 2011.
During the Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project, the ferry will be out of service from approximately March 28, 2011 to May 22, 2011. During this time, a temporary passenger-only service will provide ferry service from Cap Sante Boat Haven in Anacortes to a temporary floating dock at Guemes Island. Skagit County will not charge anyone utilizing this ser-vice; therefore, we will not have a purser selling tickets or punch cards during this time. Ticket sales and punch card sales will resume once the ferry returns to service.
Any changes to the fare structure that may take effect in 2011 will be announced prior to the vessel's return to service following the Ferry Dock Rehabilitation Project. Until this time, all policies regarding ticket sales remain in effect.
More Information

More Information
For more information on the Guemes Island Ferry 2010 Capital Improvement Program visit or contact Rachel Beck at

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