Surface Water Management

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Surface Water Management

Public Works

Lorenzan Creek Restoration Project

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Project Description

Lorenzan Creek is a salmon bearing stream that flows under Skagit County's road shop, 0.8 miles upstream of its confluence with the Skagit River in Concrete, WA. The creek flows under the shop in an 18” concrete culvert that is 360 feet long. The condition of the culvert may not be sufficient to convey high flows, which can potentially exacerbate flooding in the town of Concrete. Pollution is also a concern because stormwater drainage from about a square mile of paved surfaces discharges directly to the creek through multiple storm drains. Additionally, this culvert is too small to allow adequate fish passage, per a WDFW assessment completed on May 29, 2018 (WDFW Site ID:GR18).

This project is being led by Skagit County. Four alternatives will be examined and ranked for cost, water quality benefit, feasibility, stakeholder support, and other metrics determined by the stakeholders. A preferred alternative will be selected and designed. That design will then be used to request funding to complete the project, and eventually for construction.

Aerial image showing the approximate path of Lorenzan Creek through the road shop.

Project Goals

The overall goals for this project include:

  • Reduce potential for pollutants to enter Lorenzan Creek via stormwater runoff
  • Improve stormwater system to make maintenance achievable
  • Restore fish passage in Lorenzan Creek
  • Reduce upstream flooding

Phase 1 work involves analyzing the existing stormwater facility and providing recommendations to improve water quality by reducing the frequency and potential of pollutants entering the stream.

Outlet of the piped portion of Lorenzan Creek at Skagit County Road Shop in Concrete, WA

RECORDING: Lorenzan Creek Community Meeting (March 15, 2023)

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Project Partners and Stakeholders

Stakeholders and key partners in and near the project area will be involved throughout the project duration. The project will explicitly involve stakeholders and partners at key points during the decision-making process, including (but not limited to):

  • Alternative development and selection
  • Formation of the alternative selection criteria/decision matrix
  • Selection of a preferred alternative

Project Partners:

  • Skagit County Public Works
  • Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology)
  • Puget Sound Energy (PSE)
  • Project Design Team:
  • Skagit River System Cooperative (SRSC)
  • Upper Skagit Indian Tribe
  • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)


  • Town of Concrete
  • Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
  • United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • Skagit Watershed Council
  • Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group (SFEG)

Project Funding Sources

  • Washington Department of Ecology (ECY)
  • Puget Sound Energy (PSE)
  • Skagit County



Workshop #2: March 15, 2022

Workshop #1: January 26th, 2022 | Agenda Packet | Meeting Notes


Skagit County:

Emily Derenne - Project Manager, Restoration Ecologist: 360-416-1449

Jason Quigley - Project Manager, Stormwater Coordinator: 360-416-1463


Colleen Mitchell - Project Lead, Associate Engineer: 360-684-1741


Stay Connected!

Contact Skagit County Surface Water:
(360) 416-1400

Jason Quigley, Stormwater Coordinator:

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