Surface Water Management

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Surface Water Management

Public Works

Hansen Creek Stream Restoration
hansencreek.jpg (9780 bytes)

Project Summary

Since 1948, Hansen Creek has been dredged to help contain the creek within its banks. The natural sediment has been amplified by reoccurring harvesting of the headwater forest and straightening of the creek bed. A sediment pond was installed upstream to reduce the frequency and length of dredging projects. Periodic dredging continues (last project completed 10/98) which is detrimental to salmon habitat. A watershed plan is underway to develop a solution for the flood and sediment issues while providing fish habitat and passage. There are several property owners within the area, including Skagit County Parks and Recreation, who are willing to participate with stream modifications on their property. Construction of any stream modifications will follow depending on developed scope and availability of funds. Ultimately this project will result in the rehabilitation of up to five miles of Hansen Creek.

The project is recommended in the Application of the Skagit Watershed Council’s Strategy (November 1999). Estimated costs are $1.5 million.

Project Benefits

Regain rearing and spawning habitat for salmon; reduce flooding to properties neighboring the creek; reconnect wetlands presently isolated from Hansen Creek; Opportunity for integration with proposed recreational uses on public property.

Key Points

High Priority: This project has been designated as a high priority riparian project in the Application of the Skagit Watershed Council’s Strategy (November 1999) developed by the Skagit Watershed Council (Skagit County’s lead entity).

Recreational Opportunities: Major recreational development, including baseball, soccer, and football fields, is proposed for the Northern State property. This project could be constructed to allow for trails, viewing areas, and interpretive signing. An ultimate end goal of this project would be to integrate the stream restoration with the property development to allow for the maximum recreational opportunities on the site.

Restoration: The project would integrate measures to reduce sediment flow to the anadromous zone of Hansen Creek, thus reducing the effects of siltation on salmon redds. In addition, the project will reintroduce natural functions and features to Hansen Creek, including reintroduction of a flood plain, increasing stream sinuosity, riparian planting, and large woody debris placement to further increase salmon habitat.

Flood Reduction: The reduction of sediment in Hansen Creek will allow the creek to move gravel in a more natural manner. This will reduce gravel accumulation and flooding to neighboring properties. In addition, reintroduction of natural features to the creek will further aid in flood reduction.