Call for Bids

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Call for Bids

Requests for Bids, Proposals and Qualifications


Request for Proposals for Aquatic Vegetation Management:
Lake Management District No. 2 (Lake McMurray)

Skagit County Public Works and Lake Management District No. 2 for Lake McMurray seek professional services from a qualified contractor for the purpose of aquatic plant management in Lake McMurray for a two (2) year contract (2025-2027). The County’s needs are outlined in the following Request for Proposals (RFP).


The County will adhere to the following timeframe for selection of firm:

Issue RFP March 10, 2025
Deadline for Proposal Submittal March 31, 2025 @ 4:00 PM PST
Selection of Firm April 7, 2025

Submittal Criteria:

All proposals should be labeled “RFP LMD 2 Aquatic Plant Management” and preferably sent by email to Evan Emrick at

The proposal must contain the following information: 

• The names of individuals who will be providing aquatic plant management for this project, and their areas of expertise.
• Specific experience and/or relevant certifications/licenses of all individuals relative to this proposed project. 
• A proposed outline detailing tasks, team composition, methods, equipment used, products and project schedule.
• A proposed budget based on the costs associated with the tasks outlined in this RFP.
• A description of any fines or penalties issued to the firm, or any individual working on the project, concerning permit and/or regulatory violations associated with aquatic plant management activities within the past ten (10) years.
• A minimum of three (3) project references. Include project name, date(s), description of project, and a contact name and telephone number.
• An example of an aquatic plant management Final Report (including maps) prepared within the last three (3) years. Report should cover a project similar in scope to the task outlined in this RFP.
• An example of a map using BioBase technology, showing aquatic plant densities.

Request for Proposals