Call for Bids

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Call for Bids

Requests for Bids, Proposals and Qualifications


Call to Bid for New Cisco Network Backbone Switches, Supporting Hardware and Licensing necessary to support an Enterprise Network System.

Skagit County Information Services is requesting bids for  Cisco Network Backbone Switches, Supporting Hardware and Licensing.

 SEALED BIDS will be received and publicly opened in the Commissioner' s Hearing Room, Skagit County Administration Building, Suite 100, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, Washington 98273, on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 1: 00pm, or as soon thereafter as possible.

 The successful bidder must have the hardware components delivered to Skagit County Information Services, 1700 E. College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273. All software must also be delivered at this location or electronically. All hardware is required to be delivered within 3 months of purchase.

 Bidders must submit their proposals, complete the manufacturer' s specifications and warranties covering the hardware bid.

 For each separate proposal, the total price to Skagit County must be shown. No adjustments, credits, rebates, or other charges by the bidder will be considered after the bid opening. All bidders must be able to sell all products, no partial proposals will be accepted.

 The Board of County Commissioners will award the bid to the lowest or best bid, from a responsible bidder, taking into consideration: price, warranties offered, and other factors that will contribute toward their exercising judgment to obtain the best value for the County. Bidders must prove they are a Cisco Certified Reseller and that they have been in business selling the specified hardware for a minimum of 5 years. The Board reserves the right to waive minor irregularities in the bidding.

 The bidder must turn over the management of all Cisco Licensing to Skagit County upon acceptance of successful bid.

 Bid envelopes must be clearly marked on the outside, " Sealed Cisco Network Backbone Switches, Supporting Hardware and Licensing, to be opened at 1: 00pm, Monday, March 10, 2025", and must be delivered to the office of the Skagit County Commissioners by hand or by mail prior to March 7, 2025, by 3: 00pm to the address below. Bids received and not so marked will not be considered.

 Mailing Address: 

Skagit County Commissioners
County Administration Building, Suite 100
1800 Continental Place Mount Vernon, WA 98273