Filing a Claim: FAQs
What happens after I submit a claim for damages?
The claim will be evaluated by the county for merit.
What records are helpful to submit with the claim?
Records relating to the incident including any available witness statements, photographs and diagrams may be helpful to support the basis for your claim.
Are estimates helpful to support the claim for damage to my property or automobile?
Yes. Estimates, or receipts, to support your claim may be important to establish your loss or damages. If estimates or receipts provided are insufficient, such records may be requested.
How long will the investigation take?
The length of time the investigation takes is dependent upon the type of claim filed. Some claims are fully resolved in several weeks, while investigation of other claims may take longer. All claims are evaluated and screened through a process which may include an investigation of the contact of various departments, witnesses, scene investigations, recorded statements, and review of documents.
Can I meet with someone from Risk Management to discuss my claim?
Most claims are resolved without the necessity of an in-person meeting. However, if you would like to meet with someone from Risk Management, please email to schedule. Members of Risk Management are not available for drop-in visits as they are frequently out in the field.
I was injured. Who is going to pay my medical bills?
You are responsible for paying for all medical care and expenses you incur. If you believe Skagit County is responsible for your injury, you must file a claim and the circumstances surrounding your injury will be investigated. If we determine we believe Skagit County may be responsible for your injury, we will reimburse the expenses you incur, as long as they are legitimately related to the incident in question and in proportion to the liability Skagit County believes it has from the incident. Settlement is usually not reached until treatment has been completed.
I may need a rental car because my vehicle is badly damaged, or unsafe to drive. How can I get a rental vehicle?
Prior to a claim being approved, Skagit County cannot authorize reimbursement for a rental vehicle. If you need to rent a vehicle, it is at your own discretion. An investigation must be completed to determine responsibility prior to any authorization of a rental vehicle. You may want to contact your own insurance company for assistance. If you choose to rent a vehicle prior to County authorization, you may be responsible for all or part of that expense. Filing your claim quickly and providing as much information on the claim form as possible is the best way to minimize any hardship this could create.
Should I contact my own insurance company regarding this incident?
Your decision to contact your insurance company is not one which Skagit County can provide an opinion. It is up to you to decide if you may want to inquire about coverage provided by your own insurance company.
What are the considerations when evaluating a claim?
The particular facts of the alleged loss, the applicable law, the nature, and extent of the damages claimed, whether Skagit County had legal responsibility and the portion of liability the Skagit County may have, and the claimant’s role in the situation are among numerous, but not exhaustive factors that are all considered when evaluating a claim.
What recourse do I have if my claim is denied?
You can submit new or additional information to support your claim. We cannot provide legal advice. You may have legal remedies, including the right to an attorney at law.