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Details for Parcel: P29224
Zoning Designation:
Documents scanned and recorded by the Auditor's office
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HOBSON, MT  59452
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Assessor's Parcel Map:
Current Legal Description    Abbreviation Definitions
(21.3900 ac) (CONSERVATION EASEMENT AF#201401070067 SK CO CONTRACT #C20130501) CU F&A #94 AF#760379 1973: DK 3: PTN SW1/4 SE1/4 S & W OF CO RD AKA PTN OF LT 2 OF S/P#58-81 AF#8112310065 EXC FDT: BAT INTER OF W LI OF SD SUB WITH S LI OF BRITT SLOUGH RD TH S ALG SD W LI 510 FT TH E AT R/A TO SD W LI 190 FT TH N PLW W LI OF SD SUB 425 FT M/L TO S LI OF SD RD TPOB. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF THE SW1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC 30 TWP 34 N RGE 4 E W.M. LYING SOUTH AND WEST OF THE COUNTY RD RUNNING ALONG THE E SIDE OF BRITT SLOUGH DAF COMM AT THE INT OF THE W LINE OF SD SUB WITH S LINE BRITT SLOUGH RD THENCE S 0-06-26 E ALONG SD W LINE A DISTANCE OF 510 FT TO THE SW COR OF THAT TR OF LAND CONVEYED TO STANTON C G OLSON GRANTEE FROM JULIE MARIE OLSON GRANTOR BY THAT INSTRUMENT DATED JAN 11 2002 AND RECORDED JAN 16 2002 UNDER AF#200201160011 RECORDS OF SKAGIT CO WA AND WHICH POINT IS THE TPB OF THIS PROP DESC THENCE N 89-53-34 E ALONG THE S LINE OF SAID STANTON OLSON TR TO THE SE COR THOF AT R/A TO SAID W LINE A DISTANCE OF 190 FT THENCE N 0-06-26 W PLW THE W LINE OF SD SUB ALONG E LINE OF SD STANTON OLSON TR A DISTANCE OF 410.99 FT M/L TO THE NE COR OF SD STANTON OLSON TR AT A POINT ON A CURVE ALG THE S LINE OF BRITT SLOUGH RD AT WHICH POINT THE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE BEARS S 63-05-47 E THENCE IN A SELY DIRECTION ALONG SD S LINE OF BRITT SLOUGH RD ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 603 AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10-35-28 AN ARC DISTANCE OF 111.46 FT TH S 0-06-26 E PARALLEL W THE W LINE OF SD SUB A DISTANCE OF 183.61 FT THENCE N 75-19-21 W A DISTANCE OF 85.21 FT THENCE S 5-15-20 W A DISTANCE OF 224.86 FT TO A POINT WHICH BEARS S 0-06-26 E A DISTANCE OF 15.93 FT FROM THE SE COR OF SD STANTON OLSON TR THENCE N 86-22-36 W A DISTANCE OF 190.40 FT M/L TO THE W LINE OF SD SUB THENCE N 0-06-26 W ALG SD W LINE A DISTANCE OF 3.54 FT M/L TO THE TPB ALSO EXCEPTING OUT That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30 Township 34 North Range 4 East W.M. lying South and West of the county road running along the East side of Britts Slough and being a portion of Skagit County Short Plat No. 58-81 Revised as recorded in Volume 5 of Short Plats at page 157 under Auditor’s file No.8112310065 records of Skagit County Washington; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the West line of said subdivision with the South line of the Britt Slough Road thence S 0-06-26 E along said West line a distance of 510 feet to the Southwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Stanton C.G. Olson, Grantee from Julie Marie Olson Grantor by that instrument dated January 11 2002 and recorded January 16 2002 under Auditor’s File No. 200201160011 records of Skagit County, Washington thence N 89-53-34 E, along the South line of said Stanton Olson tract to the Southeast corner thereof, at right angles to said West line a distance of 190 feet thence N 0-06-26 W, parallel with the West line of said subdivision along the East line of said Stanton Olson tract, a distance of 410.99 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of said Stanton Olson tract at a point on a curve along the South line of the Britt Slough Road at which point the tangent to said curve bears S 63-05-47 E thence in a Southeasterly direction along the South line of the Britt Slough Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 603.00 feet and a central angle of 18-28-57 an arc distance of 194.51 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this property description thence S 3-46-40 E a distance of 173.76 feet; thence S 14-35-36 E a distance of 6l.38 feet thence S 9-19-37 E a distance of 65.68 feet; thence N 86-34-49 E a distance of 621.95 feet more or less to a point on a curve along the Westerly line of the Britt Slough Road having a radius of 288.31 feet at which point the tangent to said curve bears S 15-41-27 E thence northerly and westerly along the westerly and southerly line of said road to the point of beginning. EXCEPT road AKA PTN LT 2 S/P#58-81

2024 Values for 2025 Taxes*  Current UseSale Information 2025 Property Tax Summary
Building Market Value
Land Market Value
Total Market Value
Current Use Adj
Assessed Value
Taxable Value
Sale Date2014-08-12
Taxable Selling Price $.00
Sale requires NRL disclosure (more info)
2025 Taxes will be available after 2/15/2025
Use the Taxes link above for 2024 taxes
* Effective date of value is January 1 of the assessment year (2024) Legal Description at time of Assessment
*Assessment Use Code(830) CURRENT USE FARM AN AG WAC 458-53-030

Levy Code2770Fire DistrictF03
School DistrictSD320Exemptions
Utilities*SEP, WTR-PAcres21.39
Improvement 1 Attributes Summary
Year BuiltFoundation
Above Grade Living AreaExterior Walls
Finished BasementRoof Covering
*Total Living AreaHeat/Air Conditioning
Unfinished BasementFireplace
*Total Garage AreaBedrooms
For additional information on individual segments see Improvements tab
* Assessment Use Code is for assessment administration purposes and has no relation to zoning or allowable land use.
* Total living area includes above grade living area and finished basement area.
* Garage square footage includes all garage areas; basement garages, attached garages, detached garages, etc.
Assessment data for improvements is based on exterior inspections. Please contact the Assessor's office if the information does not accurately reflect the interior characteristics.