Incident Information

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Incident Information

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 2911 East College Way, Mount Vernon
(360) 416-1850 or (360) 416-1400
In case of Emergency dial: 911
A cooperative effort by Skagit County Public Works, Sheriffs Office, Information Services and Department of Emergency Managemen

Take precautions during and after flooding

Drowning has been the number one cause of death related to flooding in Washington, according to the Washington Sate Department of Health. Don’t walk or drive through flood waters. More people drown in their cars during a flood than anywhere else. Flood conditions change rapidly and severe flooding can develop in minutes. Only two feet of water can cause a car to be swept away. As few as six inches can cause unstable footing.
Other risks include foodborne illness, waterborne illness, infections, and injury or death from fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

If your well has been flooded, assume the water in your home is contaminated. If you are on a public water system, listen to your radio or television for news from public health departments to find out if your water is contaminated. If water is contaminated, use bottled water that has been stored for less than six months in tightly sealed containers. Plan for one gallon a person per day.
Floods and storms can also knock down power lines. If you lose power, never use a gas oven, range, barbecue, hibachi, or portable propane heater to heat your home. These units give off deadly carbon monoxide. Portable generators also give off carbon monoxide. Keep generators outside and run a cord into the house.

Protect yourself from foodborne illness by using foods that spoil rapidly before those that keep longer, and keeping cold food cold. Use an ice chest and prioritize what needs to be kept coldest. Meat, seafood, and dairy products and cooked leftovers are most important. If food is cold to the touch, it is probably safe to use, keep, or refreeze. Discard any food that is not cold to the touch, or that shows obvious signs of spoilage.
Do not try to repair or grab downed power lines. Even when flood water levels appear to have subsided, electrical currents can travel through the water for more than 100 yards. Contact your utility company or police department to report downed power lines.

Floodwaters may carry silt, raw sewage, oil or chemical waste. Don’t allow children to play in flooded areas. Wash your hands frequently with soap and disinfected water to prevent spread of disease, especially before preparing or eating food and after toilet use. When cleaning up, wear gloves and boots at all times to avoid touching anything with bare hands or feet.

To be better prepared for an emergency, keep a battery operated radio and a flashlight on hand.

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