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Skagit County Permit Fee Schedules

Impact Fee Schedule

Impact fees are a type of one-time charge permit applicants pay to help finance their proportionate share of the cost of the roads, parks, schools, and other facilities necessary to serve new development. Impact fees are usually due at the time a building permit is issued. While Skagit County does not levy its own impact fees, it collects them for certain other jurisdictions when permits are issued within their boundaries. For more information, see www.skagitcounty.net/cfp.

Planning & Development Services Fee Schedule

Skagit County collects fees to cover the cost of processing applications for development permits and other permits issued by the Planning & Development Services department.

General Provisions

Miscellaneous Fees

Hourly rate $134.78/hour
Use of outside consultants consultant fee + County hourly rate
Copies $0.17 per side per letter-size copy
Postage at cost; 50 mailed notices included in each Planning fee
Recordings (with Auditor) at cost


In addition to any other fees, publication fees ($150.79 per occurrence, or actual cost, whichever is higher) will be charged each time a public notice in the newspaper is required. The Publications column indicates how many publication fees will be initially assessed for each application type.


Item Base Fee Publication Fees
Appeal of Code Enforcement Order to Hearing Examiner $275.60 2
Appeal to Hearing Examiner (all other matters) $1,123.20 2
Reconsideration of Hearing Examiner Decision $202.18 1
Appeal to Board of County Commissioners $561.60 1

Additional Fees for Code Enforcement

In addition to any other fees, the Department may assess civil or criminal penalties as daily fines as described in SCC Chapter 14.44 and RCW 90.58.210.
Building violations 100% of the resulting building permit fee
Planning violations 100% of the resulting planning fee
Critical areas violations 200% of the resulting critical areas fee
Shoreline violations 100% of the resulting planning fee


The Department may refund up to:
  • 80% of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit is withdrawn or canceled before the department reviews the plans.
  • 80% of the permit fee paid if construction on the permitted work has not started.
  • Any fee which was erroneously paid or collected.
  • 80% of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment application fee if the applicant withdraws the application before docketing, or the Board of County Commissioners does not docket the application.


Each building permit includes a Plan Review Fee (charged at time of application) and a Permit Fee (charged when the permit is issued). Both fees are based on project valuation.

New Construction Valuation

All new structures not specified below Based on the most recent edition of the table “Square Foot Construction Costs” from the International Code Council’s published Building Valuation Data
Fences $33.70/linear ft
Bulkheads and retaining walls $112.32/linear ft
Foundations $112.32/linear ft
Decks $14.43/sq ft
Unfinished Wood post frame buildings ≤ 2,000 sq ft $24.71/sq ft
Unfinished Wood post frame buildings > 2,000 sq ft $14.60/sq ft
Finished accessory buildings $81.78/sq ft
Prefabricated metal carport/storage ≤ 1,000 sq ft $8.82/sq ft
Water storage tanks Documented bid price or the following, whichever is higher:
$0.84/gallon up to 100,000 gallons;
$0.56/gallon between 100,000 and 1,000,000 gallons;
$.034/gallon over 1,000,000 gallons

Remodel Valuation

Valuation of structures being remodeled is based on the value calculated per the table above, multiplied by the percentage that corresponds to the extent of alteration in the table below. The extent of alteration includes one or more of the listed items. The floor area will be calculated based on the entire area of the rooms where the alterations are proposed. If a project has areas for which it is reasonable to distinguish as being of different categories, it is appropriate to calculate the areas separately to develop the valuation.

Extent of
% of Building
Minor 25%
  • Addition, removal or repair of some walls or partitions
  • Minor mechanical, electrical or plumbing work, such as residential remodeling of bathrooms or kitchens
  • Some refinishing of existing walls, ceilings and floors
  • Replacement of some windows
  • Replacement of ceiling grid system
Major 50%
  • Addition or removal of many walls
  • Extensive mechanical, electrical or plumbing work
  • Significant refinishing of walls, ceilings and floors
  • Replacement of many windows
  • Limited structural modification and addition
Full 75%
  • Demolition of all non-structural portions leaving a structural shell
  • Installation of new or substantial replacement of mechanical, electrical or plumbing
  • Significant structural upgrading
  • Extensive structural repair.

Permit Fees Based on Valuation

Building permit fees for new or modified building area are calculated using the following table.
Total Valuation Fee
$1 to $500 $26.96
$501 to $2,000 $26.96 for the first $500, plus $3 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.
$2,001 to $40,000 $77.50 for the first $2000; plus $11 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $40,000.
$40,001 to $100,000 $547.00 for the first $40,000; plus $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.
$100,001 to $500,000 $1,153.53 for the first $100,000 plus $7 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.
$500,001 to $1,000,000 $4,298.49 for the first $500,000 plus $5 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.
$1,000,001 to $5,000,000 $7,106.49 for the first $1,000,000 or fraction thereof plus $3 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof.
$5,000,001 and over $20,584.89 for the first $5,000,000 or fraction thereof plus $1 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof.

Manufactured Home Permit Fees

Manufactured homes $589.68
Modular homes $589.68 plus foundation or basement permit
Title elimination $134.78

Grading Permits

Permit fees are as determined by this table, plus the plan review fee.
From (in cubic yards) To (in cubic yards)  Base Fee  Additional Fee Cubic yard increment for additional fee
1 50 $26.71 0 0
51 100 $41.17 0 0
101 1000 $41.17 17.50 100
1001 10,000 $217.00 14.50 1000
10,001 100,000 $361.66 66 10,000
100,001 999,999,999 $1,022.66 36.50 10,000

Other Fees

Plan review 65% of building or grading permit fee
Plan review of stock plans (for use on multiple lots) 100% of the plan review fee for the first plan set;
50% of the plan review fee for subsequent plan sets
Stormwater review (of building/grading permit applications) $0.08 per sq ft of new or replaced hard surface
Stormwater review of subdivisions $65.36 per lot
Flood Area Development Permit $112.32
Flood Area Development Permit -Exempt $56.16
Inspections outside of normal business hours $134.78/hour (2 hour minimum)
Reinspection fees $134.78/hour (1/2 hour minimum)
Plan review or inspection required by changes, additions, or revisions to plans $134.78/hour (1/2 hour minimum)
Final inspection of expired non-commercial projects less than three years old $84.24
Demolition Permit $28.08
Mechanical Permits $56.16 base fee + $10 per fixture
Plumbing Permit $56.16 base fee + $10 per fixture
State Building Code Council Surcharge $4.50 + $2 for each additional residential unit
Building Permit Extension (up to 6 month extension of unexpired permit, allowed one time) Free
Building Permit Renewal (up to 3 year renewal of unexpired permit or within 6 months of expiration, allowed one time) 30% of the cost of the previously assessed building permit fee

Fire Marshal

Building permit plan review

Basic site and access review $104.73
Certificate of occupancy inspection $104.73

Fire protection sprinkler systems

Type Number of heads Fee
Commercial NFPA 13 and 13 R systems
The stated fees will be assessed on the first three inspections per system.  Additional inspections will be assessed $110 per inspection per system.
<25 $144.66
25-100  $217.00
101-1000 $361.66
Residential 13d system
The stated fees will be assessed on the first three inspections per system.  Additional inspections will be assessed $110 per inspection per system.
<25 $144.66
25-100 $217.00
101-400 $289.33
Underground supply main/sprinkler or private hydrants (permitted separately)   $144.66
Building emergency radio coverage system   $144.66
Kitchen Hoods/Spray Booths
The stated fees will be assessed on the first inspection.  Additional inspections will be assessed $110 per inspection.
Smoke control systems   $361.66 + third party costs
Alternative/Clean agent suppression systems
The stated fees will be assessed on the first inspection.  Additional inspections will be assessed $110 per inspection.
Review of revised plans   $134.78/hour (1/2 hour minimum)

Fire alarm and detection

Additional inspections are billed at $69.55 per hour with a minimum of 1.5 hours. Inspections outside of normal business hours are billed at $139.10 per hour with a 2-hour minimum.
Number of devices Fee
< 25 $173.38
25-100 $248.04
101-1000 $330.72
Transmitter replacement only $72.33
Panel replacement only $72.33

Special permits (fees apply to the first inspection only)

Burn permit—residential $38.00
Burn permit—large (commercial or land clearing) $144.00
Fireworks stand $100
Fireworks display event $181.90
Fuel Tank Installation—Residential $67.60
Fuel Tank Installation—Commercial $135.20
Fuel Tank Removal/Decommissioning Permit Residential $67.60
Fuel Tank Removal/Decommissioning Permit Commercial $135.20
Gates--Residential $67.60
Gates—Commercial $135.20
Special Events $144.66
Fire Code permits not otherwise classified $144.66
Additional Inspections   $114.40


Planning & Land Division

Planning and land division fees are based on the Department’s hourly rate. When staff time multiplied by the hourly rate exceeds the base fee, the Department may invoice additional review fees at the hourly rate.

The planning fees listed below do not include SEPA review fees, when applicable.

Each application will also require upfront payment for the number of publications listed in the table. The Department will invoice additional publications if needed.

Required by RCW 19.27.085.
SCC 15.04.030, amending IBC/IRC Section 105.5, Expiration.
SCC 15.04.030, amending IBC/IRC Section 105.5, Expiration.  New permit will be required where expiration is more than six months.

(limited to $100 per selling season by RCW 70.77.555)

Planning Fees

Item Base Fee Publication Fees
Administrative Decision $943.49 2
Administrative Interpretation $943.49 2
Boundary Line Adjustment $336.96 0
Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Site-Specific Policy or Map Amendment or Rezone $5,660.93 0
Comprehensive Plan Amendment—General Policy Amendment  $0 0
Critical Areas Review $336.96 0
Critical Areas Review for Land Divisions $808.70 0
Development Agreement $5,660.93 0
Forest Practice Conversion $1,347.84 2
Forest Practices Conversion Option Harvest Plan $1,347.84 0
Forest Practice Moratorium Waiver—Administrative (Residential Use) $2,021.76 1
Forest Practice Moratorium Waiver—Hearing Examiner $2,021.76 2
Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) Review $0 0
Land Use Review of Public Water System $280.80 + direct consultant costs if required  
Lot Certification—Administrative $67.39 0
Lot Certification—Reasonable Use Exception $336.96 2
Lot Certification – Recording Fee Only Auditor’s fee (at cost)  
Lot Certification—Standard $336.96 0
Modification of Land Use Approval $134.78/hour 0
Pre-Application Meeting $539.14* 0
Pre-Development Meeting $0 0
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $4,582.66 4
Shoreline Variance/Conditional Use Permit/Map Amendment $4,582.66 4
Shoreline Letter of Exemption with Site Visit $539.14 0
Shoreline Letter of Exemption without Site Visit $269.57 0
Special Use Permit—Administrative $2,830.46 2
Special Use Permit—Temporary Manufactured Home $673.92 2
Special Use Permit–Hearing Examiner $3,369.60 3
Variance—Administrative $2,021.76 2
Variance—Hearing Examiner $4,582.66 3
Variance—Board of County Commissioners $4,582.66 2
Wireless Services Eligible Facilities Determination $132.29 0
* No hourly rate charged. Full credit will be applied to any complete project application submitted within six months of the meeting.

Land Divisions

Item Base Fee Publication Fees
Binding Site Plan (1-4 lots) $8,491.39 0
Binding Site Plan  (5-8 lots) $8,491.39 2
Binding Site Plan (9-50 lots) $8,491.39 3
Binding Site Plan (more than 50 lots) $8,491.39 3
Urban Reserve Development Permit (1-4 lots) $5,660.93 0
Urban Reserve Development Permit (5-8 lots) $9,569.66 2
Urban Reserve Development Permit (9 or more lots) $9,569.66 3
Final Plat Alteration $661.44 0
Final Plat Approval $264.58 per lot 2
Final Plat Approval for Binding Site Plans $264.58 per acre  
Short CaRD (4 or fewer lots) $3,307.20  
Short Subdivision (4 or fewer lots) $4,043.52 0
Long CaRD (5 or more lots) $7,413.12 3
Long Subdivision – Administrative (5-8 lots) $5,660.93 3
Long Subdivision (9 or more lots) $7,952.26 4

SEPA Review

Item Base Fee Publication Fees
SEPA (consolidated with another land use permit) $673.92 1
SEPA (standalone or with development permit) $673.92 2
SEPA Addendum $269.57  
Environmental Impact Statement Direct costs + staff coordination at hourly rate  

Water Availability Review

Water availability review fees are based on the department’s hourly rate. When staff time multiplied by the hourly rate exceeds the base fee, the Department may invoice additional review fees at the hourly rate.
Water Availability Review Fee

Water Availability Determination for Drilled Wells and Alternative Systems (first 2 hours) $130.00
Review of water system plan per CWSP (first 5 hours) $333.84


Administrative Fees for Non-Trust Lands within the Swinomish Reservation

When a fee-simple parcel is located within the reservation, the applicant has a choice to have either Skagit County or the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community perform the lead role with application review and inspections. The agency not selected for the lead role will perform an administrative review. The administrative review fees can be deducted from the fees for the lead reviewer when a receipt is submitted to the lead agency.
Residential Building Permit

50-500 sq. ft. $100
501-1,000 sq. ft. $200
1,001-2,499 sq. ft. $400
2,500-4,999 sq. ft. $800
5,000 sq. ft. and over $2,500

Commercial/Industrial Building Permit

50-500 sq. ft. $300
501-1,000 sq. ft. $500
1,001-2,499 sq. ft. $700
2,500-4,999 sq. ft. $2,500
5,000 sq. ft. and over $2,500 plus $100 for every 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof over 5,000 sq ft

Other Actions

Major Development (long plats, binding site plans, etc.) over $150,000 in value $350 plus $10/lot
Non-residential development under $150,000 $75
Short plat $200 plus $10/lot
Grading Permit One-fourth of normal permit fee
On-site sewage (septic) permit $50
A site-specific proposal is one that applies to a specific number of parcels which are in readily identifiable ownership or is in conjunction with an identifiable development proposal.
  For modification of existing wireless tower per Section 6409 (Wireless Facilities Deployment) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.
These fees are for Water Availability Determinations there are additional fees collected from the Health Department to cover the cost of the Water Quality and Water Quantity portions of the review.


Skagit County Public Works Department
Permit Fee Schedule
Effective 1/1/2024

Residential Driveway $27.86   $311.86
Commercial Driveway $41.79   $467.79
Access appeal or deviation process $43.16   $483.16
Storm Drain Installation
50' or less  $20.90   $233.90
Over 50' OR more than one drainage structure $27.86   $311.86
Plus Additional review time (per hour) $10.79   $120.79
Utility Installations
Class A Work $17.41   $194.91
< 25' trench outside of road prism      
< 4sf of pavement cut      
< 6 utility poles, aerial work      
Class B Work $27.86   $311.86
25' to 100' trench outside of road prism      
4 to 15 sf of payment cut      
6 to 18 utility poles      
Push, bore, underground vaults, splice pits, etc.      
Class C Work $34.83   $389.83
100' to 300' trench outside of road prism      
15sf to 30sf of pavement cut      
>18 utility poles      
Class D Work (NEW) $129.49   $1,449.49
>300' trench outside of road prism      
> 30sf of pavement cut      
Attaching to a bridge structure      
Deviation Cost for Non-Emergency Event      
Class A Deviation request $21.58   $241.58
Class B Deviation request $32.37   $362.37
Class C Deviation request $43.16   $483.16
Class D Deviation request $53.96   $603.96
Deviation Cost for Post-Emergency Event      
Deviation cost is for after the emergency repair work is performed (not applicable to failures due to lack of maintenance). $6.97   $78.97
Cutting Pavement
HMA pavement surface <  84 months Old
Moratorium Fee is in addition to Applicant's restoration work per the permit requirements.
9.81% of associated cost $5,000 Moratorium  Fee + $28.44/SY  Varies
Chipseal road surface <  48 Months Old
Moratorium Fee is in addition to Applicant's restoration work per the permit requirements.
9.81% of associated cost $5,000 Moratorium Fee + $3.50/SY Varies
Unopened County R/W
Right of Way Permit $69.65   $779.65
Trail Permit $55.72   $623.72
Temporary Use Permit $55.72   $623.72
Plus Additional review time (per hour) $10.79   $120.79
Road Administration
New Private Road Name $24.13 $200.00 $470.13
Road Name Change  (includes Private roads) $48.27 $200.00 $740.27
Petition to Establish County Road
(Plus additional fees: publishing, recording, excise tax, etc.)
$156.96 $300.00 $2,056.96
Petition to Vacate Right of Way
(Plus additional fees: publishing, recording, excise tax, etc.)
$156.96   $1,756.96
Franchise Agreement
(Plus additional fees: publishing, recording, excise tax, etc.)
$117.72   $1,317.72
Additional review time or inspection (per hour) $10.79   $120.79
Expedited or After Hours Inspection
(Less then 24 hr. notice - 3 hr minimum)
$48.56   $543.56
Traffic Impacts Review & Signing (NEW)
Tourist Oriented Directional (TOD) Sign Review and Installation $24.13 $150.00 $420.13
Installation of additional  (TOD) Signs   $150.00  
Fire District Boundary Sign (each) $16.09 $150.00 $330.09
Additional  FIre District  Signs (each)   $150.00  
Reviewing Traffic Reports/evaluate impacts
(2 hr. minimum)
$10.79 $120.79  

Utility  Permit Classification

Establish the following permit classification for Utility Right-of-Way Permits:

Class A Work

Class A work has little or no effect on the right-of-way such as trenching outside of the road prism for 25 lineal feet or less, making an initial pavement cut of 4 square feet or less (to access existing utility only), or installing 5 or fewer new utility poles. Some examples of Class "A" work include aerial work, stringing cables on utility poles; accessing existing manholes, handholes and vaults; installing short side services and hydrants while breaking 4 square feet or less of pavement; raising valves; trimming trees; removal of non-merchantable trees; providing cathodic protection; replacing above ground meters, transformers, closures, and pedestals; installing 2.5 by 2.5 feet or smaller splice boxes; and installing water sampling stations. No breaking of any PCC curb, gutter or sidewalk is allowed.

Class B Work

Class B work has a moderate effect on the right-of-way such as trenching outside of the road prism between 25 and 100 linear feet, making an initial pavement cut of between 4 and 15 square feet (to access existing utility only), removing 2 or fewer panels of PCC sidewalk, plowing cable outside roadway prism, installing 6 to 18 utility poles; removing up to 30 merchantable trees. Some examples of Class "B" work includes installing short side utility services while disturbing between 4 and 15 square feet of pavement, pushing or boring under a road, installing underground vaults, and constructing splice pits.

Class C Work

Class C work has a larger impact on the right-of-way such as, trenching outside of the road prism 101 to 300 lineal feet, making an initial pavement cut of 15 to 30 square feet (to access existing utility in one lane only), removing between 2 and 6 panels of PCC sidewalk, removing any curb and gutter, or installing more than 18 utility poles, removing more than 30 merchantable trees, constructing any CRP related work, or attaching to any bridge structure. Some examples of Class "C" work include constructing a main line or any open cut road crossing.

Class D Work
Class D work has a major impact on the right-of-way such as trenching outside of the road prism in excess of 300 lineal feet; making an initial pavement cut of 30 to 50 square feet; removing more than 6 panels of PCC sidewalk or adjacent curb; attaching utility to a bridge structure.

Pavement Cutting

Skagit County promotes a coordinated planning effort between the Department of Public Works and the franchised utility to minimize the need for cutting of BST pavement which is less than 48 months old or HMA pavement less than 84 months old.