Office of Juvenile Court

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Office of Juvenile Court

Administrator: Michael Johnson

History of Juvenile Probation

1886 Grand Jury reports that juvenile crimes are on the increase.  Crimes included stealing, burglary, assault, train wrecking, and incorrigibility
1890 Board of Trustees purchase 50 acres for $5,000.00 to build Washington State Reform School (WSRS).
1891 Juvenile Offenders law passed, affecting boys and girls, ages 8-18.  WSRS opens.   Monthly salaries at WSRS are $125.00 for the superintendent; $50.00 for matrons; $30.00 for night staff; and $25.00 for a doctor.
1892 73 boys and 6 girls admitted to WSRS. Three escapes, one was killed while boarding a freight train. Boys and girls separated except for religious services.
1904 Average daily population, at WSRS, is 153
1905 Juvenile Court Session Law passed.
1907 WSRS changes name to Washington State Training School (WSTS). Kids call it Green Hill Academy
1912 First Parole Counselor hired by the State.  Bloodhounds purchased to track runaways from WSTS.
1913 Laws passed to extend term of commitment to age 21 for boys and girls.  Juvenile Court Code passed, also known as Parens Patriae.  200 acres purchased, northwest of Centralia, to build Washington State School (WSS) for girls.  Land cost $20,000.00.
1914 53 girls moved by freight train, to WSS
1916 WSTS produced $35,301.00 income from their shop, laundry and farm projects. Money goes to State Treasury. WSTS destroys it’s dungeons used for punishment.
1917 WSTS purchases first car for superintendent.

WSS discipline for runaways is 4-6 week lock-up, with mattress only to sleep on, and bread and water only to eat.

1944 Earthquake severely damages buildings at WSTS.
1949 Whipping post removed from WSTS.
1953 Five (5) parole officers cover entire State of male parolees.

Bureau of Juvenile Rehabilitation created within the Department of Public Institutions to oversee juvenile facilities. WSS changes name to Maple Lane School (MLS).

1957 Parole Officers established in Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane.
1961  Mission Creek Youth Camp (MCYC) opened near Belfair.  Cost of building was $230,000,00.
1962  1,903 youth are committed to institutions.
1963 State Parole Officers now total 20 people.

Juvenile admissions to the institutions, for the year, is 1,247.  Washington State builds first structure, in the United States, designed as a “group home” in Woodinville.

1966 First boy arrives at Nasselle Youth Camp (NYC).  Cost for institutionalizing a youth is $16.87 per day.  Cost for parolees is $.56 per day
1967 Echo Glen Children’s Center (EGCC) opens near Snoqualmie.  Parole Officers now allowed to work with clients of opposite sex.
1970 Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) takes over administration of Division of Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration (JRA)
1973 Green Hill (WSTS) had 306 escapes, compared to eight (8) escapes in 1987.
1976 Law passed, removing “incorrigible” youth from institutions.
1977  Juvenile Diversion Programs started in 27 counties.  Last “incorrigible” youth removed from State institution.
1978  Juvenile Justice Act implemented on 07/15/78.  Juvenile Law shifts to Determinate Sentencing model and accountability for crime/offense.  Juvenile’s level of “incorrigibility is no longer a basis to continue holding a youth in confinement.
1988 DOL notification for alcohol and drug related offenses, resulting in license revocations/suspensions
1990 Special Sex Offender Disposition Alternative (SSODA) legislation enacted.
1994 Stiffer penalties for firearm related offenses enacted by Legislature.
1995 “BECCA” legislation implemented (truancy, ARY, CHINS)
1997 Legislation enacted resulting in Automatic Jurisdiction to Adult Courts for certain offenses for certain aged youth.  Requirement of School notification for certain offenses.  Chemical Dependency Disposition Alternative (CDDA) legislation enacted.