Skagit County Juvenile Detention
Skagit County Juvenile Detention will provide a safe and secure environment for all residents. All admissions will be carefully screened pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and to administrative guidelines. Procedures and policies will be in line with RCW, case law, court rules, constitutional rights and human rights. Consideration for the rights and feelings of parents/guardians will also be a priority. An educational program as mandated by RCW will be provided.
This facility is committed to going beyond RCW mandates. We are committed to providing detention structure and programs aimed at teaching residents how to control and modify their behavior. Programs offered in detention cover a wide variety of topics but all are aimed at expanding the resident's view of his/her world. The goal is, in conjunction with community probation and parole, to enhance the youth's chances of a successful re-entry into the community.
Skagit County Detention is a secure facility for persons under the age of 18 years old. Admission into the facility, other than arranged tours/visitations, is controlled by statutory mandates and local policy. Persons in Detention are limited to those being held for investigation of an offense or by Court Order.
Visiting hours are:
MONDAY and WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY and SUNDAY 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Visitation is a privilege and can be denied if the detainees behavior warrants, with the exception of visits with attorneys. Visitors are limited to parents/guardians, clergy and attorneys. Exception to this policy requires specific written approval by the assigned probation counselor. Probation counselors may make exceptions only for specific casework reasons. Lengths of visitations are limited pursuant to Detention population and the number of persons waiting to visit. Persons who are disruptive, hostile or give any appearance of drug or alcohol consumption will not be allowed to visit.
Purses, tote bags, coats or any item in which contraband could be concealed will not be allowed into Detention. Visitors should leave all such items at home or in their vehicles. There is no storage space available for such items in Detention.
No smoking is allowed in County Buildings
Detention staff attempt to call/notify a parent/legal guardian, upon admission. Thereafter, Parents/guardians, clergy, and attorneys may be called by the juvenile after a Cidnet account is set up (directions below). Juveniles on a level III or IV status, may make calls to parents/guardians from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00/10:00 p.m.. Juveniles on a level I or II may make calls to parents/guardians during day recreation time. Exceptions to this policy require specific written approval by the assigned probation counselor and/or Detention Manager. Length of phone calls are limited according to Detention population and/or staff discretion.
Parents/guardians need to set up a Cidnet Phone services (Friends and Family) account:
1. Please visit to set up account and load funds .
2. For additional assistance call 1-888-984-1903 and leave a voicemail for the next available specialist to assist you.