Basin Water Quality Monitoring
Samish basin water quality monitoring grew out of the
Skagit County Water Quality Monitoring Program (SCMP),
which is a larger effort aimed at determining status
and trends of water quality at 40 sites throughout the
Sampling from SCMP, along with Ecology and local volunteers,
shows that the Samish Basin has a continual problem
with high fecal coliform counts at many sampling stations.
High fecal coliform counts have led to repeated closures
of the commercial and recreational shellfish beds in
Samish Bay. Previous work by Ecology and the County
has shown that while fecal coliform pollution is widespread
in the basin, the Samish River is the biggest source
of bacteria to the bay.
As a response to this problem, Skagit County has embarked
on a Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC) program
designed to determine pollution sources in the basin.
One of the first steps in this process is to increase
both sampling frequency and number of sample locations.
The SCMP had 11 sampling sites in the Samish Basin;
with the PIC program, the County has increased this
number to 20 sites, with the option of adding more sites
as needed. In addition to the regular biweekly sampling,
the County will attempt to sample all rain events and
sample selected locations on a weekly basis. By increasing
the number of sites and the frequency of sampling, the
County will be able to determine more precisely the
pollution source locations that are adding large amounts
of fecal coliform bacteria to the river. Skagit County
can then target and correct polluted stretches of the
river through education, outreach activities, and voluntary
property inspections.
Skagit County applied, and was selected, for a grant
from EPA to support the PIC program in the Samish. Skagit
County is currently in the process of negotiating a
final agreement for this funding. In the meantime, support
for the Samish PIC program comes from the County's Clean
Water Fund.
Coliform Basics
Fecal coliform bacteria are bacteria from the intestinal
tracts of warm-blooded animals, which when shed into
the environment through feces, can be associated with
certain diseases in humans. Fecal coliform are measured
in "colony-forming units" per 100 mL of
sample, commonly abbreviated as "cfu". The
higher the number, the more bacteria and the greater
the health threat to in-stream users like swimmers
and fishermen, as well as consumers of raw shellfish
from the bay.
The state water quality standard for most freshwaters,
including the Samish River and its tributaries, is
a geometric mean of no greater than 100 cfu, with
no more than 10% of the samples exceeding 200 cfu.
The standards are designed to protect human health
from bacterial infection during contact recreation
(swimming, boating, and fishing) and downstream beneficial
uses such as shellfish culture.
A geometric mean is an alternative method of calculating
an average that is less influenced over time by the
occasional very high sample. It is used to prevent
occasional high samples from causing a stream to be
out of compliance with the state standards if most
other samples are within the standard.
Calculating the Geometric Mean
The geometric mean is calculated by taking the "nth"
root of the product of all the samples. For example,
for three samples reading 3 cfu, 4, cfu, and 10 cfu,
the product is 3 x 4 x 10 = 120. The geometric mean
is the cube (3rd) root of that product, which, in
this case, is 4.9 cfu. For comparison, the more common
arithmetic mean would be 17/3 = 5.7. If the three
fecal coliform counts were 3 cfu, 4 cfu, and 1000
cfu, the geometric mean would be 23 compared to an
arithmetic mean of 336.
more information contact:
Dan Sulak
Water Quality Analyst:
dsulak@co.skagit.wa.us |
Water Quality Reports