Operations Division: Road Maintenance
Director | County Engineer Grace Kane P.E.
Operations Division Manager: John Davidson
The crews start by pulling the sod off the shoulders. This exposes the edge of the roadway, reestablishes the original width and provides better drainage. Ditches are also cleaned at this time if necessary. After the sod removal has been completed the roads are swept, trees trimmed and the brush cut if needed. When the weather has moderated, normally in May and June, those roads on the chip sealing list are AC leveled if necessary. This consists of spreading asphalt over areas with surface irregularities or settlements and depressions. After the patch is finished the shoulder will be brought up to grade and a temporary center line stripe will be put on if needed. Early July, the resurfacing takes place. This consists of covering the roadway surface with liquid asphalt and then spreading one layer of rock chips onto the asphalt. Those chips are then rolled into the surface. After the process is completed, the road has a new surface that is approximately ½ inch thick. This new surface will require several days to cure. During this time the roadway looks similar to a gravel road and it is critical that traffic speed is kept down. After the roads are cured, they will be swept of any loose gravel and re-striped. This operation is done one lane at a time and traffic is still allowed to use the roadway. Flaggers and pilot cars are present for the protection of both the job site and the motoring public. |