Skagit River General Investigation

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Skagit River General Investigation

Historic Flood Article Archives
Researched, assembled and organized by: Dan Berentson and Larry Kunzler
The articles presented here were copied from microfiche and/or scanned copies of the actual newspapers unless quality of the original document and subsequent scan dictated a new keystroked version for legibiltity. Or are offered online through third party services.

This award-winning project submitted by Skagit County was a major research project archiving historical newspaper articles on Skagit River floods dating over more than a century. Participants in the project were Larry Kunzler, his son Josef Kunzler, and Skagit County Communications Director Dan Berentson. Special thanks to Skagit Valley Herald Publisher Stedem Wood and Argus Editor Tony Flynn and Courier Times Editor Ruth Richardson for their cooperation in this project. Kristine Perkins at the Burlington City Library also was very helpful with their Burlington Journal archives.