Emergency Medical Services
Director: Josh Pelonio
EMS Naloxone Leave Behind Program
Skagit County EMS in partnership with Skagit County Public Health, the Washington State Department of Health and our EMS provider agencies launched an EMS Naloxone Leave Behind Program in 2021.
Naloxone is a medication that can help save lives by reversing the effects of an opioid overdose. This program allows EMS personnel to provide Naloxone kits to at-risk individuals, an involved bystander, or the family or friends that are at-risk of witnessing an opioid related overdose.
Each kit contains 2 doses of Naloxone nasal spray along with instructions for use and a resource card containing contact information for those wishing to pursue treatment for substance use disorder.
Washington State has several laws in place that protect those who intervene in an opioid overdose situation:
RCW 4.24.300 Immunity from liability for certain types of medical care (general public)
RCW 69.41.095 “Naloxone Law” – distribution, possession, and administration of naloxone among laypersons, first responder/law enforcement immunity
RCW 69.50.315 “Good Samaritan Overdose Law” – immunity from drug possession prosecution in drug-related overdoses