Help Protect Skagit County's Environment From Noxious Weeds
You can help prevent the
spread of noxious weeds:
- Obey noxious weed laws
(RCW 17.10)
- Never dump pond or
aquarium water into a lake or stream
- Always check your boat
trailer for weeds before and after launching
- Always check your vehicle,
camping equipment, clothing, etc. for weeds and seeds before departing
- Dispose of noxious
weeds properly
- Report the presence
of noxious weeds to your county weed board
- Cover compost and mulch
Controlling infestations:
- Properly remove and
destroy noxious weed infestations
- Prevent seed production
- Use herbicides properly
according to their labels
- Re-plant with appropriate
species to prevent re-growth of noxious weeds
- Contact your local
county weed board for more information
Fill out our easy online form to add your name to our volunteer list!
Would you like to be a Skagit County Noxious Weed Control Board Member? Please complete this application.
Applications should be sent to:
Skagit County Noxious Weed Board
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Summer Hours (as of May 1st)
Monday – Thursday (6:30am- 500pm)
Winter Hours
Monday – Friday (7:30am- 4:30pm)
Skagit County Noxious
Weed Control Board
1800 Continental Pl.
Mount Vernon, WA 98273-5625
Evan Emrick
Noxious Weed Coordinator- Safety Committee Representative- PW
Skagit County Public Works | 1800 Continental PL | Mount Vernon WA 98273
(360) 707-1502 |