Noxious Weed Districts and Board Information
For the purposes of SCC 6.56.010, the five (5) noxious weed districts are described as follows:
Situate in the County of Skagit, State of Washington:

click to enlarge
Skagit County Noxious Weed Control Board
District 1
Kevin Douglas Anderson
1609 36th St.
Anacortes, WA 98211
Ph (360)-774-5236
Expiration of term: 1/18/2026
District 2
Henry Gohrman (Sonny)
17375 Slow Lane
Mount Vernon, WA 98274
Expiration of term: 4/16/2028
District 3
Vacant Position
District 4
Vacant Position
District 5
Jason Kleinhuizen
8713 Still House Ln
Concrete, WA 98237
(360) 770-5777
Expiration of term: 4/16/2028
Don McMoran
(Non-voting Extension Agent)
Washington State University Skagit County Extension
11768 Westar Lane, Suite A
Burlington, WA 98233
(360) 428-4270, ext. 225
Would you like to be a Skagit County
Noxious Weed Control Board Member?
Please complete this application.
Applications should be sent to:
Skagit County Noxious Weed Board
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Beginning at the intersection of the North line of the Skagit County boundary and the centerline of State Route 9;Said intersection also being on the North line of Section 6, Township 36 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence Southerly along the centerline of said State Route 9 to its intersection with the centerline of State Route 20;Thence Westerly along the centerline of said State Route 20 to its intersection with the medial line of the nautical fairway of Swinomish Channel; Said nautical fairway being delineated on NOAA Nautical Chart Number 18427, Anacortes to Skagit Bay, 24th Ed., May 2013;Thence Southerly and Southwesterly along said medial line and the Southwesterly extension thereof, to its intersection with the Southwestern boundary of Skagit County; Thence Northwesterly, Northerly and Easterly along the Skagit County boundary to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of State Route 9 with the centerline of State Route 20;Said intersection being located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 24, Township 35 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; Thence Westerly along the centerline of said State Route 20 to its intersection with the medial line of the nautical fairway of Swinomish Channel; Said nautical fairway being delineated on NOAA Nautical Chart Number 18427, Anacortes to Skagit Bay, 24th Ed., May 2013;Thence Southerly and Southwesterly along said medial line and the Southwesterly extension thereof, to its intersection with the Southwestern boundary of Skagit County; Thence Southeasterly and Easterly along the Skagit County boundary to its intersection with the centerline of State Route 9;Said intersection also being on the South line of Section 32, Township 33 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence Northerly along said centerline of State Route 9 to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the Northern boundary of Skagit County and the centerline of State Route 9;Said intersection also being on the North line of Section 6, Township 36 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence Southerly along the centerline of said State Route 9 to its intersection with the centerline of State Route 20;Thence Westerly along the centerline of said State Route 20 to its intersection with the centerline of State Route 9;Said intersection being located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 24, Township 35 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; Thence Southerly along the centerline of State Route 9 to its intersection with the Southern boundary of Skagit County; Said intersection also being on the South line of Section 32, Township 33 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence Easterly along the Southern boundary of Skagit County to its intersection with the East Range line of Range 7 East, W.M.; Said intersection also being the Southeast corner of Section 36, Township 33 North, Range 7 East, W.M.; Thence Northerly along said East Range line to its intersection with the medial line of Finney Creek; Thence Northwesterly along the medial line of Finney Creek to its intersection, if extended, with the medial line of the Skagit River; Thence Southwesterly along the medial line of the Skagit River to the medial line of Grandy Creek, if extended; Thence Northerly along the extension of the medial line of Grandy Creek, and the medial line of Grandy Creek, to its intersection with the centerline of State Route 20;Thence Westerly along the centerline of State Route 20, to its intersection with the centerline of Baker Lake Road; Thence Northwesterly along the centerline of Baker Lake Road, to its intersection with the Northern boundary of Skagit County; Said intersection also being on the North line of Section 02, Township 36 North, Range 8 East, W.M.; Thence Westerly along the Northern boundary of Skagit County to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the Northern boundary of Skagit County and the centerline of Baker Lake Road; Said intersection also being on the North line of Section 02, Township 36 North, Range 8 East, W.M.; Thence Easterly along the Northern boundary of Skagit County to its intersection with the Western boundary of Okanogan County; Thence Southerly along the Eastern boundary of Skagit County to its intersection with the Western boundary of Chelan County; Thence continuing Southwesterly along the Eastern boundary of Skagit County to its intersection with the South Township line of Township 35 North, W.M.; Thence West along the said South Township line to its intersection with the medial line of the North Fork Cascade River; Said intersection also being on the South line of Section 35, Township 35, Range 13 East, W.M.; Thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the said medial line of the North Fork Cascade River and its extension, to its intersection with the medial line of the Cascade River; Thence Northwesterly along the said medial line of the Cascade River and its extension, to its intersection with the medial line of the Skagit River; Thence Westerly along the medial line of the Skagit River, to the medial line of Grandy Creek, if extended; Thence Northerly along the extension of the medial line of Grandy Creek, and the medial line of Grandy Creek, to its intersection with the centerline of State Route 20;Thence Westerly along the centerline of State Route 20, to its intersection with the centerline of Baker Lake Road; Thence Northwesterly along the centerline of Baker Lake Road, to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Township 33, Range 7 East, W.M.; Said Southwest corner also being on the Southern boundary of Skagit County; Thence Easterly along the Southern boundary of Skagit County, to its intersection with the Western boundary of Chelan County; Thence Northerly along the Eastern boundary of Skagit County to its intersection with the South Township line of Township 35 North, W.M.; Thence West along the said South Township line to its intersection with the medial line of the North Fork Cascade River; Said intersection also being on the South line of Section 35, Township 35, Range 13 East, W.M.; Thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the said medial line of the North Fork Cascade River and its extension, to its intersection with the medial line of the Cascade River; Thence Northwesterly along the said medial line of the Cascade River and its extension, to its intersection with the medial line of the Skagit River; Thence Westerly along the medial line of the Skagit River, to the medial line of Finney Creek, if extended; Thence Southeasterly along the extension of the medial line of Finney Creek, and the medial line of Finney Creek, to its intersection with the East Range line of Range 7 East, W.M.;
Thence Southerly along said East Range line to the point of beginning.