Salmon Strategy

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Salmon Strategy

How You Can Help Protect and Recover Salmon

Salmon recovery in Skagit County and Puget Sound requires a concerted effort from all of us. Here are simple ways you can help. Sign up for the Skagit County Salmon Strategy e-mailing list to learn more and receive updates. Many of the activities below concern protection of streams and wetlands, both of which are vitally important to salmon habitat and spawning areas.


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Photo credit: Jeff Schieber, WA DNR

Anadromous fish, like threatened Chinook salmon, spend their lives in the ocean but return many miles upstream to spawn. Unfortunately, artificial barriers across many of our streams prevent fish from reaching their spawning habitat. A single barrier can keep fish from reaching many miles of upstream habitat. Undersized culverts like the one pictured above can become clogged and stop transporting sediment and other suspended debris, making it impossible for fish to navigate the stream.

Removing barriers to fish passage through our streams is essential to restoring fish populations. Western Washington streams are generally considered fish-bearing if they are 2 feet or greater in width and have a gradient of 20 percent or less. Even intermittent streams (those which go dry during a portion of the year) may have fish present during those times when the streams are flowing.

Fortunately, a number of Skagit County groups help landowners repair and replace culverts to improve fish passage. If you have a fish-bearing stream on your property, choose from the landowner links at left to learn more.