Salmon Strategy

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Salmon Strategy

Resources for County Departments

The Board of County Commissioners, via the 2007 Salmon Policy Resolution (R20070499), has instructed the Administrative Services, Health, Parks, Planning, and Public Works departments to consider the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan before taking any action, and to consider adoption of measures to implement the Plan’s recommendations whenever reasonable.

Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan

The Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan, adopted by NOAA Fisheries, is a two volume plan for recovery of threatened Chinook and other species of salmon throughout Puget Sound. Volume I is a user-friendly, high-level blueprint for how people across the sound plan to recover salmon and preserve our regional culture and quality of life. Volume II contains fifteen local watershed recovery plans. The Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan (SCRP) is the plan for our watershed. It is divided into 16 chapters and 8 appendices.

Skagit County departments should focus on the sections of the SCRP concerning salmon habitat.

  • All Departments should review Chapter 7 (PDF 93KB). Note, however, that Section 7.2.1, “Individual Residential [Well] Use,” is already being addressed through the 2006 Instream Flow Rule, including via extensions of public water.
  • Public Works should carefully review and familiarize appropriate staff with Chapters 8-12 (PDF 9MB), which describes various habitat restoration projects that the department should undertake when reasonable and when funding can be obtained.

Salmon-Interest Organizations
The Salmon Policy Resolution also instructs departments to collaborate with others to implement the Salmon Recovery Plan. Suggested groups include the following: