Data Warehouse : Geographic data for your mapping system
the Voting
Precincts (SHP file). This free data download is in
a .zip file format for easy download.
Title of Content: Skagit
County Voting Precincts
Type of Content:
Data set
Content Publisher: Kari Secrest, GIS Analyst II
Publication Place: Skagit County GIS
Publication Date: June 27, 2002
Content Summary: The Precinct data set is intended to depict all voting precincts and wards
as they are currently described by the Skagit County Auditor's Office.
Content Purpose: The Skagit County Voting Precincts data set was developed to provide county
employees and the public a view of the voting-related boundaries in relation
to County geographic features. The delineation includes:
Voting Precincts
Supplemental Information: The Skagit County Voting Precinct amendments and revisions are usually made
on an annual basis as requested by the Skagit County Auditor's Office.
Data Information
Data Type: Vector polygon
Data Format: ERSI Shape file format
Data Projection: State Plane, Washington State, North Zone 5601 North American
Datum of 1982-86
and Usage Information
- Access Constraints:
Data is free via our ftp server but must be used in accordance with our Data Use and
Legal Responsibility form.
Use Constraints: The dataset
is a representation of the Skagit County Commissioner District Map as of the
publication date. They do not contain property-specific information relating
to ownership, actual or intended use, special development conditions, special
district overlays, or pending changes in designation.
Printing, copying, or transferring these files by anyone other than Skagit
County Geographic Information Services (GIS) may result in errors or inadvertent
changes beyond the control of Skagit County GIS. Printed material from these
files, other than those produced by Skagit County GIS, may not be an accurate
statement of current law. Therefore, Skagit County disclaims any warranty
of merchantability or warranty of fitness of electronic files for any particular
purpose, either express or implied. No representation or warranty is made
concerning the accuracy, currency, completeness, or quality of any electronic
file. Any user of an electronic file assumes all responsibility for use thereof,
and further agrees to hold Skagit County harmless from and against any damage,
loss, or liability arising from any such use.
Our digital data is copied
to our ftp server every day so that you can be assured of getting the most
current information. However, digital data updates may only occur periodically
so be sure to check the publication date in the metadata. Printed copies of
these maps are produced by Skagit County GIS and are available for review
or purchase via the Skagit
County GIS web site (see Map
Gallery for viewing PDF files or Order
a Printed Map for hard copy purchase).The best maps to view Voting
Precincts are under the Voting Precincts category. Questions or concerns
relating to this data set may be directed to geoffa@co.skagit.wa.us.
A full set of FGDC compliant metadata is available here.