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GIS | Geographic Information Services

A division of Central Services

GIS Coordinator: Sean Carson


Skagit County Map Gallery
About Skagit County Maps:
Skagit County has many maps available for public viewing. Some of these maps are interactive web maps that launch in your web browser while the others are electronic copies of the paper maps we create and require Adobe Reader software (PDF file format) to view them. The content in both interactive web maps and PDF maps may overlap. For example, Assessor property maps are available as interactive web maps and as PDF maps. There are advantages and disadvantages to both formats but the interactive web maps typically provide more information and are not confined to a specific map extent like static PDF maps. The PDF map only provides a picture of the map and typically represents the "legal" map copy. Most maps are currently in PDF format but we will continue to add interactive maps to this page. If you would like to view and print PDF maps, you will need a current version of Adobe Reader software. Please note that PDF files contain a great deal of information and, depending on your internet speed, may take significant time to download.

For questions regarding the maps we provide, please feel free to contact the Skagit County GIS Department at 360-416-1168
Terms Of Use and Copyright
City and Town Maps
The City and Town base map is an "all-purpose" generic map showing city limits, roads, parcels and some road names. Printed, these maps are approximately 24x36 inches (scale varies). Includes Urban Growth Areas (UGA).
Commissioner Districts
The Commissioner District map shows all three Commissioner Districts on one County base map.
Comprehensive Plan/Zoning
The Comprehensive Plan Map is intended to depict Urban Growth Areas, Rural Areas, Natural Resource Lands, and Open Space as described in the Skagit County Comprehensive Plan manual.
Critical Areas
Drainage and Dike Districts
Dike District Map
Map of the dike districts of Skagit County. The map is approximately 27x37 inches (scale 1:44,400)
Drainage Districts Map
Map of the drainage districts of Skagit County.The map is approximately 31x39 inches (scale 1:44,400)
Flood Maps
FEMA Q3 100 Year Flood Map
General County Maps
County Base Map
Double Township Series Index Map

Printed size approximately 24x36 inches
(scale 1:24,000)
County Base Map with Insets
Printed size approximately 32x80 inches
(scale 1:63,360)
County Base Map
Printed size approximately 20x48 inches
(scale 1:135,000)
Geomorphic Hazards
Library Districts
Library Districts
Relief Maps
Perspective View
A perspective view of Skagit County. The map is approximately 24x48 inches.
Shaded Relief
A shaded relief map (shades change with elevation) of Skagit County. The map is approximately 24x48 inches (scale 1:135,000).
Shaded Relief
A shaded relief map (shades change with elevation) of Skagit County. The map is approximately 32x80 inches (scale 1:82,500).
Road Districts
School Districts
Snow Load
Roof snow load zones for Skagit County

Low Flow Streams with Buffers
Low Flow Streams with Buffers 1:135,000

Stream Types
These maps show stream type designations, as determined by the Department of Natural Resources. The maps are double Townships and are approximately 24x36 inches(1:24,000 scale).
Tax Parcels **
Skagit County GIS interactive county map view program.
Topographic Atlas
11"x17" features roads, trails, city maps and much more.
Cypress Island
Map of Cypress Island
Urban Growth Boundaries
This map shows the Urban Growth Area zoning, roads, and parcels. These maps are approximately 24x36 inches (scale varies).
Voting Precincts
The County Precinct map shows the location of each voting precinct within the rural County. This map is approximately 32x80 inches (scale 1:63,360). The City Precinct map shows the location of each voting precinct within the City limits. City maps vary in size but are approximately 24x36 inches (scale varies).
Wetlands / Hydric Soils
These maps show generalized National Wetland Inventory (NWI) and Hydric Soils designations.Additional Aerial Photo Interpretation delineations are also shown.
The maps are double Townships and are approximately 24x36 inches(1:24,000 scale).