Skagit County Corrections

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Skagit County Corrections

Community Justice Center

Chief of Corrections: Don Marlow

Jail Tour

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tourattorney_interview.jpg Attorney interview rooms.
There are only three, and they are used for attorneys, mental health interviews and counseling, jail transitions personnel, bail bondsmen, all of the different police agencies in the county, and pastor visits.
tourholding.jpg The holding rooms.
Four rooms where we can hold inmates while they are being processed into jail.
tourholding_cell.jpg The inside of one of our holding rooms.
tourintake.jpg The intake desk.
Where new arrivals at the jail have their pictures taken, wristbands put on, and basic information, health status taken.
tourbooking1.jpg The booking desk.
Everyone that gets booked into or out of the jail is processed at this desk.
tourdishpit.jpg The dish pit.
Where the trays, sporks, and everything used in the kitchen are washed three times a day by jail trustees.
tourkitchen1.jpg The jail kitchen.
Where all food for the jail, and Juvenile detention is prepared.
tourkitchen2.jpg The jail kitchen.
tourkitchen3.jpg The jail kitchen.
tourmedical.jpg The medical waiting area. Also pictured is the door to our two person infirmary.
tourexam.jpg The doctors office.
Where inmates with minor medical problems are examined by the doctor or nurse.
tourexam_lft.jpg The doctors office.
tourlaundryroom.jpg The laundry room.
All laundry for the jail and Juvenile detention is washed and dried here.
tourlibrary2.jpg The library.
Also serves as the church, and a place for AA meetings.
tourmain_control.jpg Main Control.
Controls the booking, intake, female, and work release areas of the jail.

tournorth_control.jpg North Control.
Controls the general population area of the jail.
tournortheend_ab2.jpg General population, Pod A and B.
These two pods can hold 82 inmates at max capacity, but were originally designed to hold just 28.
tournortheend_ab.jpg General population, Pod A and B roving area.
tourcelldoors.jpg A couple cell doors from the general population area.
tournortheend_cde.jpg General population, Pod C, D, and E.
These three pods can hold 64 inmates at max capacity, but were originally designed to hold just 26.
tournortheend_cde2.jpg General population, Pod C, D and E roving area.
touroutdoor_rec1.jpg Outdoor recreation area.
touroutdoor_rec2.jpg One of the three outdoor recreation areas available at different times for the inmates.
tourvisitation.jpg The visitation area.