Planning Commission meetings take place every other Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST, please see Meeting Schedule & Agenda for the current schedule.
For more information, contact:
Robby Eckroth, AICP
Senior Planner, Planning and Development Services
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(360) 416-1320
What We Do
The role of the Planning Commission is primarily legislative as its members review policy proposals and make recommendations on the Comprehensive Plan, zoning map, and development regulation amendments. Appointed by the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners and approved by a majority of the Board, the nine person Planning Commission serves as the county’s principal citizen advisory body on land use and policy regulations.
The three planning commission members are appointed to represent each County Commissioner district to ensure countywide geographical membership among the Planning Commission.
Planning Commission meetings take place every other Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST, please see Meeting Schedule & Agenda for the current schedule. Sign up on our Planning and Development email list for notifications. For more information, contact: Kimberly Adams, Planning & Development Services Administrative Coordinator, at (360) 416-1338 or
Get to Know your Commissioners

Commissioner District Map (Full size version)
Vincent Henley | email
Commissioner District 1, Seat 2
Term Expires: 8/31/2025
Vince Henley is a retired computer scientist who has been a resident of Anacortes since 2009. Until recently he owned a timberland ranch in Northern California’s Mendocino County and is familiar with the issues and land-use policies that affect rural property owners.
Vince is a member of the International Code Council (ICC), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and a number of other professional and technical organizations.
As a contribution to the community, since 2014, and until the current pandemic closed in-person activities down, Vince taught an annual eighteen-week long class in writing fiction at the Anacortes Senior Activity Center. Some of his students are now published authors.
Angela Day | email
Commissioner District 1, Seat 3
Term Expires: 8/31/2028
Angela Day is a retired small business owner and professor of courses on public management. At the end of 2020, Angela and her husband sold the feed and farm supply store they established in 1995 in Snohomish, Washington. They built the business together, initially establishing both an export and domestic market for hay and forage products, and later focusing on their retail facility and delivery service in the Puget Sound area.
In addition to her work in the family business, Angela attended graduate school at the University of Washington, where she worked for the WSU-UW Ruckelshaus Center on a project to promote agricultural production practices that also achieve beneficial environmental outcomes. As a member of the project team, she collaborated with over 200 stakeholders including private landowners, regulators, and advocacy groups to gather data and facilitate mutually agreed solutions.
As a graduate assistant and later adjunct professor, her course offerings included Strategic Management and Leadership, Organizational Theory and Practice, Decision-making in the Public Sector, and American Politics. She also wrote a book about her husband Bobby and his family, who homesteaded in Prince William Sound Alaska. The Day family played in integral role in the fishing industry and oil development in Alaska, and were later devasted by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Her book was published in 2014 by the Washington State University Press.
Serving her community has always been important to Angela. As business owners, she and her husband supported 4H and FFA projects, a nonprofit dedicated to helping people with disabilities through horseback riding, and their local food bank. She served as an advisor on the Snohomish High School Board for Agricultural, Technical & Vocational Education, and as a judge for FFA speaking contests. She also served two terms on the Snohomish County Planning Commission.
As a native of the Pacific Northwest, she is grateful to call the Swinomish Reservation and Skagit County her home. She loves cooking and baking sourdough bread for friends and family, hiking along the coastlines and in the forests, and playing the ukulele. Angela is honored to serve residents of Skagit County through her work on the Planning Commission. |
Amy Hughes | email
Commissioner District 2, Seat 4
Term Expires: 8/31/2027
Amy Hughes was raised by Skagit County. She spent her childhood fishing the Skagit River with her father, exploring beaches, enjoying the magic of our Sound and its surrounding islands. Hughes’s hobbies take her to our glorious Mountain tops. From the ages of 18 to 24 local farmers allowed Hughes to work in their fields (berry, spinach, bulb, green peas and grain crops) and learn valuable lessons in being a responsible employee and earning a paycheck. These experiences made Hughes appreciate and treasure our natural resource lands. She joined a farming family and has been part of continuing a passion for agriculture for our communities into the future.
In 2016, Hughes was asked to be a member of the Skagit County Planning Commission. She joined with reservations about the possibility of saving our local natural resource lands. Western Washington is growing quickly and urban sprawl seems destined to spread into our valley. She has been pleased to see the passion and dedication our local communities have in maintaining our Natural Resource Lands as a cornerstone of our future. Her hope is, that by listening to each other and continuing to implement sound solutions to growth issues, we will leave this beautiful valley to future generations. |
Joe Woodmansee | email
Commissioner District 2, Seat 5
Term Expires: 8/31/2027
Joe Woodmansee is a 3rd generation business owner in Skagit County. He is currently working for two of his sons at BYK Construction Inc. who are 4th generation business owners in Skagit County. Joe has spent his business career providing housing to the residents of Skagit county either by building housing or developing lots for others to build on. Born in Sedro Woolley he has spent most of his life in Skagit County. Joe has been married to Kim Woodmansee since 1980 and they reside in Mount Vernon. In the past, Joe has served as a volunteer as a little league coach when his children were growing up. He also spent nearly 20 years serving on church boards including at Central Valley Assembly in Burlington and at Citipoint Church in Mount Vernon. He has been on numerous mission trips building both churches and schools in Mexico, Panama and Honduras over the years. His favorite hobbies include traveling with his wife, spending time with family vacationing, hanging out with his grandchildren and going to Nascar races. |
Tim Raschko, Chair | email
Commissioner District 2, Seat 6
Term Expires: 8/31/2028
Tim Raschko moved to Skagit County from the Seattle area in 1978 to work locally in the forest products industry. He graduated in 1972 from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management. After a 42-year career, he retired in 2014 as Director of Timberland Operations for Pope Resources LLC. His career included timberland acquisition and forestland management actifvities in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Chile and Argentina.
Raschko filled a vacancy in the Planning Commission in 2016. Prior to this, he served for 15 years as an elected Commissioner for Skagit Valley Hospital where he was a participant in the dissolution of Affiliated Health Service and the construction of the new hospital.
Spare time avocations include mountaineering, cycling, kayaking, photography and golf. |
Tammy Candler, , Vice Chair | email
Commissioner District 3, Seat 7
Term Expires: 8/31/2026
Tammy Candler was born and raised in Sedro Woolley, Washington. She lived in Seattle while attending the University of Washington and later Tacoma, Washington while earning her Juris Doctor at the Seattle University School of Law. After graduation Commissioner Candler lived out of state for a couple of years while working at the Attorney General of Tennessee in Nashville. Commissioner Candler spent that time travelling throughout the South, East and Middle Eastern portions of the United States and abroad. After that valued adventure she has returned to the home she loves and now resides in unincorporated Skagit County. Commissioner Candler has been a public defender for Skagit County for the past 18 years. It is a pleasure to serve on the planning commission. |
Kierra Wright
Commissioner District 3, Seat 9
Term expires 08/31/2028
Kiera Wright is a local educator with twenty-four years of experience who has happily settled in the Skagit Valley after bouncing around the US and Europe as a military dependent during her childhood. Her current community involvements support the Skagit Runners, Skagit Habitat for Humanity, Immaculate Conception Regional School Commission, and the Burlington Arts Commission.
We Want to Hear From You
The Skagit County Planning Commission meetings take place every other Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST.The Planning Commission has resumed meeting in person in the Skagit County Commissioners hearing room at 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, WA 98273. You may still watch the meetings "Live" on Skagit 21 Television, and live and on demand online with TV21 or over Zoom.. For more additional information on Public Participation in meetings please visit this page: Commenting in a Meeting
Resources for Planning Commissioners