Skagit County Sheriff

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Skagit County Sheriff

Civil Division

Skagit County Sheriffs Office
Redemptions and Deeds



What Is It?

A redemption is the right of a judgment debtor, or other person with the right, to reclaim their real property after it has been sold through a Sheriffs Sale.  RCW 6.23


A written notice is required at least five court days prior to the expiration of the redemption.  The notice must be provided in an adequate time frame so that redemption is no later than the last day of the redemption period. RCW 6.23.080

What the Sheriff’s Office Needs:

Notice of intent to redeem

  • Must specify the date the property will be redeemed.
  • Must provide a minimum of five court days prior to the redemption.

Evidence of the right to redeem if you are not the judgment debtor

  • Lien creditor shall submit a copy of the docket of their recorded judgment.  This can include a person with a lien prior to that of the judgment creditor in the sale.
  • An assignee shall submit a copy of the assignment awarding them the right to redeem.
  • A person who paid a sum on a prior lien against the property shall submit an affidavit with the specifics.

Deposit of $100.00


Sheriff’s Deed

What is it?

A document giving ownership rights in property to a buyer at a sheriff's sale. RCW 6.21.120

Deeds will only be issued upon request

What the Sheriff’s Office Needs:

  • Original Certificate of Sale

  • Letter of request to have deed issued

  • Deposit of $75.00

  • Copy of order confirming sale

Sale is usually confirmed about three weeks after the sale.