Skagit County Public Health can also facilitate testing for certain diseases at the Washington Public Health Lab.
In addition to the list of conditions notifiable statewide, Skagit County Board of Health requires health care providers, health care facilities, EMS, and firefighters to report opioid overdoses to Public Health within 72 hours of the incident.
Skagit County Public Health offers no-cost vaccines, including the 2024-2025 Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, RSV, routine childhood immunizations, and some additional immunizations for uninsured adults. More details about our clinic, eligibility, and how to make an appointment are below.
Clinic Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Please call (360) 416-1500 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are accepted if there is capacity.
Skagit County Public Health produces regular data reports to monitor respiratory illnesses, with the help of syndromic data systems and hospital partners in Skagit County. The current reports display data from the previous quarter (three months), with older reports showing historical data. The format of the report has been adjusted as the data analysis process has changed over time, and respiratory data is being presented year-round.
To date, COVID-19 has not shown a clear seasonal pattern, while influenza and RSV do typically occur in a seasonal pattern, peaking between October 1st and May 31st, during respiratory illness season, or “flu season”. See recommendations below for ways you can protect yourself and those you love this respiratory illness season and year-round.
K-12 school and childcare providers are key public health partners in Skagit County. The following resources can help providers navigate the most common communicable disease issues in schools and childcare settings and provide control tools and links to reporting outbreaks to public health. If you have any questions or need further information, please call the Communicable Disease Division at (360)416-1500.
Primary Resources for Communicable Diseases in Schools
When do you need to report?
In general, cases of reportable conditions or outbreaks should be reported as soon as they are identified. Specific timelines from WA DOH are found on the reporting website.
How do you report?
Use the reporting tools below. Urgent questions? Call (360) 770-8852 (school nurses or school leadership only) or on weekdays (360) 416-1500.
Why do you need to report? Schools and child care facilities are required to notify the local health department of the presence of a contagious disease (WAC 246-110-020) or of suspected or confirmed outbreaks of notifiable conditions that may be associated with the facility (WAC 246-101-415 & 246-101-420). Schools are also asked to report when school absenteeism exceeds 10% of the student population.
Schools and childcare are allowed to report diseases or health concerns that pose a risk to student health and safety under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA 34 CFR § 99.36).
The goal of reporting is to prevent further spread of disease by implementing appropriate control measures. Once reported, Skagit County Public Health (SCPH) can offer guidance and can also help with drafting letters to notify parents, flyers, and other educational materials.
Rabies is a severe viral disease that affects the central nervous system. It is almost always fatal once symptoms develop but can be prevented if treatment is given before symptoms appear. All warm-blooded mammals, including humans, are susceptible to rabies. For more information, visit the Washington State Department of Health and CDC rabies websites.
In Washington State, bats are the only known reservoir for rabies. The percentage of bats in the wild that are infected with rabies is very low (less than 1%). Though rabies is rare in bats, it is important to assess every human exposure to a bat carefully. Bat teeth are razor sharp and tiny, so a bite wound might not be noticed. If you know for certain you have been bitten or scratched by a bat, seek medical attention immediately. If you are unsure, call Public Health at (360) 416-1500 for an assessment.
What should you do if you find a bat in your living space?
Do not touch the bat with bare hands. Close the room's doors and windows. Wait until the bat lands on the floor or a wall. Wearing leather or other thick gloves, capture the bat in a can or box without touching it. Seal the container and call Skagit County Public Health. Do not put the bat in a refrigerator or freezer. See the video “How to capture a bat in your home” below for more detail.
We will help you determine whether any people or pets in your home may have been exposed and can arrange to test the bat for rabies, if needed. What may seem insignificant to you might turn out to be serious enough for testing and treatment. If you know for certain you have been bitten or scratched by a bat, seek medical attention immediately.
How to avoid bat bites.
“Bat proof” your home by making sure open windows have screens and that other small entry points, such as cracks, crevices or holes, are sealed. Be suspicious of bat activity during daylight hours - it could indicate the bat is sick.
How to protect your pets from rabies.
Always vaccinate your pets, including dogs, cats, ferrets, horses and rodents. If your pet finds a dead bat, collect the bat in a plastic bag as you would pick up dog droppings – no bare hand contact. Should your pet come in contact with a bat or other animal that may be rabid, call Skagit County Public Health for current recommendations and call your veterinarian to be sure your pet's rabies vaccinations are up to date.
Do you need to report an animal bite?
Animal bites are reportable to public health if the animal is suspected of being at risk of rabies transmission. If a health care provider suspects a rabies exposure, call Public Health immediately and fax a Bite Report Form to Public Health. Public Health will determine whether the animal suspected of rabies qualifies for testing.
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm | (360) 416-1500
After hours (health care providers ONLY): (360) 770-8852
Skagit County Public Health will release your medical information to you or any agency that you designate after receiving your completed Authorization for Exchange of Information application. Return the completed application to us along with the appropriate fee prior to us releasing your information.
Please contact Skagit County Public Health at (360) 416-1500 to determine the correct fee as our prices do vary. There is no fee for releasing medical records to doctor’s offices, or immunization records to schools. Authorization for Exchange of Information application | Español