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The Skagit County Monitoring Program (SCMP) works to determine conditions and water quality trends in watercourses throughout Skagit County. The program collects bi-weekly water quality data at 40 sites and samples designated locations during storm rain events. The data is used to direct clean up efforts to meet standards set by the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) reports.

The Skagit County Monitoring Program is an extension of the Skagit County Baseline Monitoring Plan that began in 2001.

The Skagit County Monitoring Program, established by County Resolution R20030210 (later replaced by Resolution R20040211)


Ambient Sites


Visit the site list.


Sampling Methods


SCMP collects data from a fixed network of sites on a bi-weekly schedule. Collecting repeatable data gives a more accurate representation of water quality trends in a stream. This knowledge can help us to develop strategies to protect and improve water quality.

Additionally, storm samples are collected during rain events at set locations in order to understand how storms influence the water quality.

On a bi-weekly basis, a water sample is collected at each site and is tested for fecal coliform and E. coli. On a quarterly basis, we also collect nutrient samples that are assessed for various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus. The water samples are collected using lab sterilized bottles to ensure our results are not contaminated. We accomplish this kind of collection by using a sample collection pole from the banks of a stream or from a bridge. The samples are collected from the thalweg of each stream, which is the deepest and fastest moving part.

In addition to the water sample, other basic water quality parameters are determined at the time of the sample. Using a YSI we can collect data on dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity, and temperature. We also collect pH and turbidity data using the appropriate meters in the field.




Annual Report 2022 Water Year
(October 2021 – September 2022)

Skagit County Public Works has completed the nineteenth year of water quality monitoring under the Skagit County Water Quality Monitoring Program. This is the annual report for the 2022 water year.

Data collected during this project indicates that many Skagit County streams, both within and outside of the agricultural areas, do not meet state water quality standards for E. coli, temperature, and/or dissolved oxygen. None of the 40 sites has met all water quality standards for the entire project, although some sites meet the standards most of the time.

SCMP Annual Report – Water Year 2022

Site Report Cards
Site Report Cards (SRCs) were created to give a quick overview of the health of each site over the past nineteen years.

Appendices: A [xlsx] | B&C



Archived Reports 2004 - 2021


Historical Program Reports


Samish Bay Watershed Water Quality Monitoring
The Samish Bay Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Project was initiated to try to determine sources of shellfish contamination in Samish Bay, Skagit County, Washington. In 1988, under guidance from the 'Nonpoint Rule' WAC 400-12, the Samish Watershed was given third priority ranking for controlling non-point pollution in Skagit County.


Baseline Monitoring Project
The Baseline Monitoring Project, conducted by the Skagit County Public Works Department Surface Water Management Section, monitored water quality in streams flowing in agricultural lands of the county from July 2001 through September 2003. The goal was to establish a baseline that characterized streams in Skagit County's agricultural areas and provided a foundation to identify trends in watershed health in the agricultural areas of the Samish and Skagit River Basins

Natural Resources

Clean Water

Lake Management District Program

Marine Resources Committee

Pollution Identification and Correction

Salmon Habitat Monitoring and Restoration

Shellfish Safety

Water Quality Monitoring

Water Resources

Surface Water

Drainage Utility

Stormwater Management


Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

Natural Resources Stewardship Program

Voluntary Stewardship Program


Clean Samish Annual Newsletter

2022 Skagit Water Quality Monitoring Annual Report SCMP Annual Report

NEW: Skagit County Source Control Program

Quick Links

Report a Water Quality Problem

Ambient Program
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Reports and News

Division Manager:
Jennifer E. Johnson

Natural Resource Division Contacts

Physical and Mailing Address:
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

We want your feedback!


Report a Water Quality Problem

or call 360-416-1400


Clean Samish Annual Newsletter

2022 Skagit Water Quality Monitoring Annual Report

Skagit County Source Control Program


PIC Coordinator:
Clean Water Program
Karen Dubose

Division Manager:
Jennifer E. Johnson

Natural Resource Division Contacts

Physical and Mailing Address:
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

We want your feedback!