Solid Waste Division

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Solid Waste Division

Division Manager: Margo Gillaspy

(360) 416-1573

Litter Crew Back in Operation

After being inactive for many months, the Solid Waste Division is happy to announce that the Litter Crew is back in operation.  The crew is focused on citizen litter complaints, illegal dump sites, and cleaning County road right of way.  Should you know of specific areas that need attention please call the Litter Hotline (360)416-1573 or email:

This program, partially funded by the Department of Ecology, focuses on cleaning up roadside litter and illegal dumpsites on public land. You may see them at work.

It is a cooperative effort between the Department of Ecology, The Department of Corrections, the Skagit County Public Works Department Solid Waste Division, and the Skagit County Sheriff. The crew is made up of several individuals.

Ecology Youth Corps:
The Ecology Youth Corps is organized by the Department of Ecology and is made up of young people that pick up litter from along I-5 and state highways.

Health Department:
The Skagit County Health Department has the responsibility of enforcing laws and ordinances that relate to illegal dumping and littering.

To report illegal dumping call (360) 416-1573
or email:

What are the effects of illegal dumping?

  • Higher garbage disposal rates/tip fees
  • Higher taxes for clean-up
  • Pollutes ground and water