Human Services
Director: Keith Higman
Developmental Disabilities Program | Home |
The Skagit County Developmental Disabilities Program exists to foster inclusive communities that support people with developmental disabilities to fully participate in and contribute to all aspects of community life.
The Developmental Disabilities Program manages a variety of programs related to providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities. The Developmental Disabilities Program also provides support for individuals and families and hosts community events and trainings to improve community awareness of developmental disabilities and inclusion.
Skagit County receives State and Federal funding to contract with local community agencies to provide supported employment services for adults and early intervention services for children from birth to three years of age. The Skagit County Developmental Disabilities Program also facilitates the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board which is composed of community members who have been appointed by the Skagit County Board of County Commissioners.
All services are guided by the core values of County-delivered services in Washington |
Power and Choice |
Making our own choices and directing our own lives. |
Relationships |
Having people in our lives whom we love and care about and who love and care about us. |
Status & Contribution |
Feeling good about ourselves and having others recognize us for what we contribute to others and our community. |
Integration |
Being a part of our community, through active involvement. This means doing things we enjoy as well as new and interesting things. |
Competence |
Learning to do things on our own or be supported to do things for ourselves. |
Health & Safety |
Feeling safe and secure, and being healthy. |