Human Services

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Human Services

Director: Keith Higman




Skagit County Home Consortium

For information about Skagit County HOME Consortium funding opportunities, please check here.

Invitation to Submit Letter of Interest for Pallet Shelters for Quarantine/Isolation

Skagit County seeks Letters of Interest from qualified parties that wish to host Pallet shelters in Skagit County to serve individuals experiencing homelessness. During times when quarantine/isolation is needed to prevent the spread of contagious disease, the Pallet shelters will be required to be vacated for use by individuals identified by Skagit County Public Health. Letters of Interest will be accepted on a rolling basis, with requests considered in the order in which they are received until all units are awarded. More details about project objectives, expectations, and LOI requirements can be found in the link below.

Questions should be directed to Christi Brua Weaver, Behavioral Health Coordinator at Skagit County Public Health, by email at

Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry is a process for individuals and families in Skagit County who are experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness to access homelessness prevention services and resources. Applicants will be screened for eligibility, prioritization, and program matching for a more efficient and effective system to access appropriate programs.

To find out if you qualify for Coordinated Entry, dial 2-1-1 Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm and connect with a Referral Specialist.

Skagit County Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures

Skagit County Rental Assistance Program

The Skagit County Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance for rent and utilities to income-eligible Skagit County renters and their landlords.

As of 10/13/22, the Skagit County Rental Assistance Program is currently closed to new applicants.

If you have already applied, you will be contacted by a provider to process your application. Applications will be processed until all available funds have been distributed. 

If you have received an eviction or ERPP notice, this page includes information about the eviction process and your rights as a tenant.

Please contact the Housing Resource Center at Community Action of Skagit County to connect to agencies that may still have rent assistance resources available. (360) 416-7585

Additional Funding may become available, check here for updates.

People Without Homes
Homeless in Skagit County
Housing: The first step in healing

Measuring Homelessness in Skagit County (2024)

Homelessness: FAQ's


Measuring Homelessness in Skagit County (2024)

2023 Point-in-Time Count

Skagit County 5-Year Homeless Housing Plan

Skagit County Housing Action Plan

Skagit County Affordable Housing Needs
Local Community Housing Profiles

Recovery Housing and Employment Needs Assessment

Community Report: Housing in Skagit County

Housing Summit documents and presentations:

Building a Skagit County Housing Affordability Strategy
Updated Report: 2016
Two out of every five households in Skagit County cannot afford the home they occupy. The attached report describes in detail the scope of our affordable housing shortfall and 12 recommendations to address this crucial issue.

Homelessness in Skagit County
At any point in time, at least 957 people in Skagit County are homeless (2011 Homeless Count). Throughout the year, hundreds more face the prospect of losing their homes due to precarious financial conditions, domestic violence, health crises, and chronic mental health and chemical dependency conditions. Furthermore, the rising cost of housing and stagnant wages increases the risk of people losing their housing, and makes it increasingly difficult to find affordable housing.
Skagit County: The 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness [Pdf]


Seasonal Winter Shelters will be open from late November, 2024-April, 2025